A Familiar Face

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I swiftly darted away from Yui and the almost completed gen in an attempt to catch the Killers attention. Thankfully it worked and I shot a quick glance over my shoulder as I ran; the Killer changed direction and start heading after me. "Shit!" I cursed. "She's gaining on me, I gotta get to a pallet or something!"

I ran to the nearest loop and launched myself through a low window, my leg caught on the vault and made a loud noise. When my feet landed safely on the other side, I immediately turned to the left and caught sight of the Killer disappearing around the corner.

I ran towards the opposite corner of the loop and hesitated briefly, searching for the telltale red stain. I didn't see it coming around the corner I last saw the Killer running around, so I wasn't surprised when my spine tingled strangely.

As I jerked my body to the side, a jagged blade came slicing down through the space my body had just occupied, narrowly missing me. I scrambled away from the Killer and I heard a high pitched, guttural growl of pain coming from her. Her hands, wrapped in dirty, bloodstained bandages, were curled up close to her face as she slowed down.

It seemed like she had put so much power behind her swing that it caused her pain when she missed her hit. I filed that information away in my brain as I headed towards the next loop. As I ran near a window, I chanced a look back to see where the Killer had gone.

She was nowhere to be seen and seconds later, I heard the distinct sound of the third generator being completed. "Yui must have been able to complete that gen then," I thought as I slowed to a walk and tried to calm my breathing. "So now that means we have two more gens to do before we can get out of here."

As I began my search for the next generator, I was startled by the sound of the fourth generator roaring to life. I didn't know who finished it, and honestly I didn't care; the sooner we could leave the better.

I slinked up to a generator in a gazebo type building and began working on it. While I worked, my heart beat increased and I looked over to see Bill being downed by the Killer with a pained scream. I winced but continued to work on the generator. While Bill was picked up and hooked, the familiar flash of red appeared and his scream filled the air.

My gen was almost halfway completed and I watched Jake creep up to Bill and carefully ease him off the hook. While Jack patched Bill up, Yui's high pitched scream rang out and I flinched with shock. I didn't expect her to get caught, she was one of the Survivors who was well known for her looping skills.

I hesitated briefly then made a decision and snuck over to Jake and Bill. Jake had just finished tending to Bill's injury and they both looked up at my approach with matching grim expressions. I narrowed my eyes as I crouched next to them, all of us huddled behind a particularly large rock.

I cleared my throat quietly. "So this is what I propose we do," I stated. The other two stared at me attentively as I continued. "I'll go get Yui and try to keep the Killer distracted while you two complete the generator I was just working on. I haven't taken too much aggro so far-"

I was cut off by two cries of agony, one closely following the other. Jake, Bill and I all snapped our heads towards the source of the screams; shocked. Yui was taking the 4% chance of escape and failing!

We stared in horror as the cursed Claws of the Entity spiraled down and clamped onto Yui's upper body. Jake jumped up and started dashing towards Yui's hook with a sudden burst of speed, cursing under his breath.

Bill scowled and moved away toward the generator I had finished halfway as I started to run after Jake, whisper-yelling for him to be careful.

He paid me no attention as we neared Yui's hook, instead he skidded to a stop in front of the hook, eyes locked on Yui.
Curses poured from his lips incessantly, quietly, ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑙𝑦. I saw the reason why as I stumbled to a stop right next to him, eyes wide open.

Yui had been struggling to push the Claws away from her torso, her arms shaking with the effort of keeping the Claws at bay. Sweat covered her face and neck and she grunted with pain as she valiantly battled against the ruthless Claws.

However, once Jake and I ran up, we ended up startling her into releasing the Claws momentarily in surprise. It was a brief slip - lasting for a mere second; but the Entity only needed a minuscule window of time to act.

Yui's eyes widened in shock and her face twisted in pain as the Entity's razor sharp Claws pierced her torso in the blink of an eye, plunging so deep that they protruded from her body front and back. She twitched feebly before the fire went out of her eyes and she sagged lifelessly as the Claws ripped her disintegrating corpse off the hook.

Jake and I watched helplessly as the hook fell to the ground with a loud clank, now free from Yui's weight, her corpse ascending rapidly into the sky.

We had been so focused on Yui's sacrifice that we hadn't noticed Bill yelling in pain or the red flash as he was hooked for the third, and last time this Trial. Turning around, I saw the Claws hauling up another victim across the map and I nudged Jake.

He turned in the direction I pointed and scowled, his eyebrows lowering and his eyes darkening with anger. I look at him, and whispered, "I didn't hear Bill pop the last gen, and I'm pretty sure the Killer would have busted it after she hooked him."

Jake nodded and motioned for me to crouch behind a short loop with him while we discussed what we were going to do next. He thought for a moment then muttered quietly, "I'll go see if I can keep her distracted long enough for you to finish the last gen."

I started to protest, knowing full well that he likely wouldn't last long enough for me to pop the last gen and open the exit gates. He silenced me with a firm look and a short hand gesture, he knew what he was doing. He was sacrificing himself in the hopes that I'd be able to escape.

I slowly closed my mouth and nodded with determination. If he was going to do this for me, there's no way I would waste this chance.

Jake took a deep, calming breath as I rubbed the palms of my hands on my pants nervously. After a few seconds, he looked at me and whispered, "Well...are you ready for this?"

My heartbeat quickened as I looked him dead in eyes and grinned fiercely.

"Let's do this."

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