Rescue Mission

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I tried to keep my breathing quiet as I snuck around the map, trying to find Cheryl. I knew she was around here somewhere, I just couldn't pinpoint her location. Kate was off distracting the Trapper and as I rounded a corner, I heard the distinctive noise a gen makes when it's repaired.

Ok, so with the gen Kate and I finished, that makes 2 gens done. We only have 3 left, so hopefully whoever's out there keeps working on that.

I started to hear muffled whimpers and started sprinting towards them. As I skidded to a stop, I covered my mouth with shock and horror at the sight that met my eyes. Cheryl was directly in front of me, her ankle caught and mangled in one of the bear traps that were lying around. She was trying to free herself, but her bloodslicked hands slipped around uselessly and she was crying quietly.

Hearing me run up, she glanced up in fear, but it turned into a look of relief. "P-please, help me get this thing off!" She begged while renewing her efforts.

I swallowed hard and approached her, carefully examining the trap. It was rusted and sharp, Cheryl's blood was everywhere. I'd have to go about this carefully to avoid injuring either of us further. I leaned forward and pried the jaws apart while she quickly yanked her leg out from between the teeth and fell on her side, breathing heavily.

I helped her up, putting myself under her arm and practically carried her to a nearby pile of rubbish while she suppressed moans of pain. Once we sat down she handed me a medkit that I hadn't noticed she had and motioned for me to open it.

"If you can stomach it, I can tell you how to patch my ankle up," she grunted trying not to move as I nodded. I didn't mind blood, thank goodness. As she looked on and gave me quiet instructions, I slowly patched her ankle up well enough for her to walk.

Cheryl thanked me softly and motioned for me to follow her to the gen we could see a short distance away. We began to repair the gen, both keeping a sharp eye out for our teammates or the Trapper. Thankfully, I had an idea of what to do this time, so I managed to not blow the thing up.

I was curious who the last Survivor was so while we worked I asked Cheryl if she'd seen them. She nodded and replied, "Yes, I was working on a gen with Jane before we were found. I ran off to draw Trappers attention and he was chasing me before you popped that gen. That distracted him enough to leave me and then I didn't see that trap and walked right into it." She grimaced when she mentioned the trap.

I winced sympathetically and murmured, "That must have been terrible." Cheryl just shrugged and said, "It's not the first time it's happened and it won't be the last." I gulped and said, "I don't know how you guys deal with pain so well, I'm not sure I could handle something like that as bravely as you did."

Cheryl gave me a sad smile and said, "Some killers wounds are easier to adjust to than others. For example, Wraith and Nurse seem to be slightly more gentle with us; they're a couple of the Killers who don't want to be here. Or at least I like to imagine they have more of their humanity left." She continued as she rotated a knob on the gen; we had three pistons chugging steadily and the fourth was just starting to move. "Other killers, such as the Ghostface and the Oni seem to take special delight in our pain."

I thought about the descriptions I'd been given of the killers and asked, "Isn't the Oni the really big Japanese demon guy?" Cheryl nodded and said quietly, "I've only gone against him a few times, but he's very brutal. He has a sword and a giant club he uses when he activates his demonic form."

With that sentence, our gen flared to life and we both crept away to find another. Shortly after we left we heard an agonized wail and our eyesight was flooded with red, temporarily blinding us. I froze until the redness passed and looked to Cheryl for an explanation. She cursed softly and said, "When that happens, we know one of us has been hooked. From the scream, I'd say Kate was finally caught."

I winced, picturing the giant meat hook going through my shoulder and said, "We need to go rescue her, right?" Cheryl thought for a minute before replying, "Yes. But I'll go find her, you see if you can find another gen to work on. You might run into Jane, if you find her, stick with her." I nodded and we parted ways; Cheryl continuing forward and I turned left, toward some sort of car repair shop.

As I got closer to the shop, I heard the sounds of a generator being worked on and knew I'd found Jane. I slipped through a window into the shop and went into the garage area. Sure enough, the curvy Latina woman had her back to me, diligently working on the gen.

I didn't want to scare her so I cleared my throat as I walked up to the gen. Apparently that wasn't enough, because Jane jerked backwards and yelped, "¡Ay! Hijo de..." Once she saw it was me, she relaxed putting her hand to her heart and muttered, "¡Me asustaste niña! Creí que eras Trapper."

I paused, grateful that I took Spanish in school. I was rusty, so I asked tentatively, "You...thought I was Trapper?" Jane looked up at me and nodded as she began to work on the gen once more. "You speak only English?" I blushed and replied, "Yeah, I can understand a bit of Spanish though."

Jane nodded and we both worked in silence. We'd been working for a while when I heard a sharp snap! I glanced around quickly, thinking Trapper had found us but Jane shook her head and said, "Trap removed." I realized she meant someone had disarmed a trap so I grunted and went back to the gen.

We managed to finish the gen without anything else happening so I followed Jane when she left the garage. She noticed me tailing her but didn't comment. I was about to apologize for scaring her a while ago but our hearts began pounding and we looked at each other with dread.

I looked around and saw Trapper coming right towards us from a short distance away and panicked. Jane tried to get my attention but I just ran back into the garage, Trapper hot on my heels.

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