Calm before storm

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EDITED BY @BlueHood7

Once there was a family. A happy one. This family was truly strange in the way it was made. The man was all but different from the woman, they met at a river, the Hudson to be exact, and given the time they were best friends.

One day the man, without knowing, magically had the woman bear a child. He left thinking not much would change when he returned.

Two years later he visited the woman and saw a boy with her. He immediately asks for an explanation and she told him what happen. Baffled, he looked at the young boy. He was two years old, having been born in a week, he had deep sea-green eyes like his mother and dark hair from both of them. Little did the man know his family will be torn apart from him.

The man was Loki, the woman Sally Jackson descendant of Monetary goddess memory, pharaoh blood of Cleopatra, daughter of Poseidon. The boy, Perseus Jackson, a descendant of Monetary goddess memory, pharaoh blood of Cleopatra follower of Sobek, Legacy of Poseidon, and son of Loki.

Percy's P.O.V


That was all I could feel as I stood before a grave marked Sally Jackson R.I.P


I could of helped if I came faster when those........ Things invaded New York. Everything was going great, just as planned. Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, linked all those blasted creators souls to one in the mother ship when Iron Man took the nuke in there.

Everything was fine, I had to stay longer to help with the mist, being a son of Loki and all. When I came back I remember my best friend Annabeth in the Loki's cabin as she said those words

Percy..... I'm... I'm sorry... It's your mom..... She was killed... Those guns got her..... Percy

Those words resounded in my head. I opened my eyes in my room, thanks to mist travel, as I opened a drawer and took out a green pawn. Memories flashed through my mind

I was two and my dad, Loki, was smiling at my mom on a couch as he hugged her, letting her rest on his chest.

My mom smiled... She looked happy... She said "Loki watch Percy, I've got to make dinner"

"Of course my queen" my dad stated

My dad took me and put me in his lap saying to me " Now if we are to rule these mortals we are to remember that You are born with great power and that you deserve a throne, daddy's going to get one to pass to you but you must learn to rule with an iron fist. If you do not, people are going to look down at you...... Call you a monster...... Take away what's rightfully mine... I mean ours now." His eyes held great sadness.

I would just gaze at him not knowing what to say

"I don't understand, daddy "

"You will soon one day... Power... It protects what you wish to have as yours"

I closed my eyes, slowly sinking into a chair near a nightstand

Mom and dad were fighting... Again

"I refuse to have my son raise up thinking bitterly that he should be king, I want him to be a happy hero," mom shouted

"Could you have him hurt in this petty game of heroes, he will be better off as a prince and then a king, Sally... I wish to protect him from harm," dad tried to reason.

"No, not this way" mom pleaded

"You can not stop me from preparing our son," said dad

Percy Jackson, Son of Loki (complete)Where stories live. Discover now