Getting hit by a bus is not that bad

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Loki's P.O.V

As we were watching I felt happy seeing me son play with great innocent.

I almost laughed out loud when I remember when he wanted to keep my weapon and thought of it as a stick.

I felt guilty seeing him confused as I taught him to be a leader and King, while sally taught him how to be a hero.

I am watching right now that he is sleeping, just weeks ago we promised to stop fighting, when he heard great shouting.

He quickly got up and put a band on his leg where he keeper his dagger, ready to attack.

I heard him say in his mind

A robber, I'm going to beat him up

As he crept to the door he open it revealing me a sally fighting.....

I recognized this argument, it was the last one I had with sally.

Mommy and daddy were fighting.... Again, they think I can't hear them. Sounds pretty bad.

" I refuse to have my son raise up thinking bitterly that he should be king, I want him to be a happy hero" my sally shouted

" would you have him hurt and this petty game of hero's, he will be better off as a prince and then a king, Sally.... I wish to protect him from harm" I said long ago frying to reason with her.

" no, not this way" sally pleaded

" you can not stop me from preparing our son" I said

" then get out... GET OUT NOW"

I saw percy running to his bed and pretended to fall asleep

I quickly open my door and hugged percy as he 'woke up', the I said " I will be back soon your mom needs some I will return in the morning then I will teach you that game you call chess that you pester me to teach." I ruffled up Percy's hair smiling and handed him a green pawn" get some rest".

Daddy is coming in the morning for once YAAAAY

That night percy decided to try and surprise me by going to the living room and waiting for me

I'll show him that I'm a big boy so he can teach me how to fight thought little percy.

He took out the pawn and studied it.

Chess. Sounds like the game of cheese. Haha.

I smiled at my sons thought.

There was a knock on the door.

Then I frowned when I heard a voice like mines.

" son open up let's take a walk to the park."

Daddy came early, really early.

Percy opened the door only to see darkness of the night.

He quickly stepped outside looking for me.

Then a hand came out from behind him and muffled his gasp

" got him" said a cyclop

" great let's go" said another " I'm starving

Percy bit his oppressor hand and cried out

" let me go, Daddy, daddy help me."

My heart was in pain as I heard him cry out for me, thor looked at me in concern.

He was pushed outside.

Now I thought, this must be when he died

My dagger, I still have it percy thought

He quickly took it out and said

" back off I know how to use this" but he was holding it with two hands and was shaking in fear.

" you said that he did not know" yelled a angry cyclops

One replied " look he does not know how to even hold one"

" MOMMY, MOMMY, help me"

Sally came out quickly and destroyed all of them

Percy ran and clinked to her feet

I knew in my heart that there was too many, sally can't both protect percy and fight.

" percy get in the house NOW" yelled Sally

percy ran in the house and went in his room. he closed the door and sat on the ground, back against the wall.

at one point percy crawled up to the window and peeked his head out there. there was just darkness.

percy stood up and backed up

" its nothing outside" said percy

thats when the cyclope crashed in the window, a wide eye percy jumped up in fright and ran out of the room calling for Sally.

he ran in the bathroom his mom close behind, who then closed the door and summoned water to surround her so that she would be ready to attack anyone who comes out that door.

5 minutes passed

15 minutes passed

Sally opened the door to see the house on fire (A.N- they could not tell immediately because both of them are heat resistant to a extent)

they had to run through the fire hazard. Sally closed her eyes and said

" Father Please protect me and my son"

with that said she picked up percy and ran out, but when she ran out a blue-ish glow surrounded her protecting her and percy from the fire.

But if they survive..... then that means.

no. No way. I WILL NOT feed myself with hopes only to have them crushed.

I saw as they went to the police station it was morning now.

" mommy we have to go home, daddy told me he would come in the morning lets go" said percy who was well over shock on what happen that night .

Sally froze before going wide eye and then proceed in picking up percy and running out of the building.

when they got to their burned house they started to look around the wreckage.

percy went to where the living room was and saw the hat I left behind.

that hat I had when i went on a party with Sally.

percy came up to it and wore it. Sally went toward percy and saw what he was wearing and just collapse to the ground, she started to cry.

" he'll think we're death and never come back" she sobbed

When Percy heard that I quickly yelled out "DADDY, COME BACK" he then stuck to the ground crying and took the green pawn out of his pocket.

he seemed hard broken.

Then it hit me.

They were alive, my son, Sally.

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A.N- I know, I know. It is really short. Sorry but it's been hard doing 4000 words a week and have a life. I know you are going to hate this but I am doing 2000 words a week now and two updates. I rather do something I can do then do it really bad. Hope you love it

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