I hate this place

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Percy's P.O.V( still six)

The day I went to that magic place I found a cat outside the house, I picked it up and immediately knew that it came from that realm.... like a gift.

She has black fur, like ink and dark green eyes, I named her Pange ( PAN-GEE) my mom let me keep her.

She seems to understand everything, she is smarter than any cat. I tried to teach her tricks but she just gave me a stare that said ' who do you think you are'. I let her do her own thing.

( now eight)

I was still not asleep, I felt uneasy. I stroked Pange as she was curled up in the side of my bed before I got up and sneak up to the door.

I quickly made my way to the kitchen as I heard my mom talk to someone.

" daughter, your uncle wants you and you child dead, think. You must bring the boy to camp, he

will be fine with his family there." Said this man

" I can not just leave him there" said mom with fury

" Zeus doesn't trust you, if you help bring demigods to camp, then the parents will be on your side so you and percy will not die." Reasoned the man

Someone wants me and mom dead.

" what do you mean" i said coming in the room

The man stared at me, then smiled " percy, I am you grandfather Poseidon"

Up to this point Pange woke up and is by my side, looking at Poseidon in distrust.

Usually Pange looked down at people like ' I am higher then you peasant'

Now he cast a glance at me as if saying ' how there you bring someone my level'

Poseidon who is my grandfather kneel down and said " percy do you want to go to camp or stay here in the mortal world"

I stared at mom, her face emotionless but her eyes told a different story.

" what's camp" i question.

"it a place where you train and be a hero like your mom. you also have family there who are just like you."

just like me, i thought

"what about my friends at school, i had a few but i had one smart friend.

" You might see them again" said poseidon.

i made my decision," can i go to camp mom"

Mom looked sad but turned to grandfather and nodded.

Grandfather turned to me and said " in three days you will go to camp." With that said he disappeared in s mist with the scent of the ocean lingering.

Percy Jackson, Son of Loki (complete)Where stories live. Discover now