Its All over Part two

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Seth or Sleipner pic is above (Percy's brother)

Percy's P.O.V

Warning this is a torture scene for the WHOLE CHAPTER.


I can't think straight.

Chrysaor is smirking.

He sits down in the table and just waits.

I try to clear my mind, but it was no use.

I was hit with a sudden wave of depression, like fighting was useless.I knew the drug was doing it to me, but my mind still has a hard time comprehending.

I frowned and when I did Chrysaor smiles and leans forward saying

"Good now that you are ready let's talk."

I couldn't even glare at him, my muscles got numb and I slightly tilt my head forward.

"You see Percy" he pause and I realize he said my name, my nickname, "Gaea is going to rise and she wants you to join. If you do join there will be no need to ummmm, sacrifice you. We would just go after the boy Jason and the girl piper. You don't even have to fight. But if you don't join Gaea we will give you plenty of tortures and you would be slaughtered like an animal on a alter. So join us."

I was thinking, heck why was I thinking I shouldn't hesitant to say no. I took a deep breath.I looked him in the eye and said


His smiles slides right off his face and he sneered.

" Are you sure you are a son of Loki? To pick a foolish choice"

I glared in rebel against him, well as much as I can.

He got up in angry and and punched me hard in the square of my jaw.My head arched back in pain and I could feel a bruise forming there.

"Take this scum back to the cell, I don't want to see his face."

Kelli came with a grin and took me back to my cell when we got there she push me in.

"The sweet water will wear off in a hour" she said.

I got up and glared at her but falter when I saw a look in her face.

She took a step forward, I took a step back.

It got to the point to where I was against the corner of the wall and she was way too close to me.She traced my jawline, and I tried to grab her hand and push it away but the drug wouldn't allow me she was stronger.

She was about the same size as me we were face to face with me glaring and her just smiling.

That's When she just kissed me.

Oh no SHE DID NOT- Annabeth

I believe if Loki finds her it would not end well- Thor

What- Hazel

Annabeth is not goanna be happy- Frank

To say in truth this was really not my first kiss.


You thought I never kissed a girl,

it was during the Titan war when Annabeth had taken a ton of painkillers and was in a daze of space after saving me from a dagger.

She just came up to me and kissed me, I returned it.I think she just thought that was a dream.

I did. Now Loki is glaring at me- Annabeth ( blushing)

Percy Jackson, Son of Loki (complete)Where stories live. Discover now