To hate or not to hate

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EDITED: Bluehood7

Percy's P.O.V

As we headed down and were standing near the lake I decided to start the introduction

"So welcome to CHB, camp half-blood, my name is Perseus"

I looked at their reaction, there were four capes together three men and one woman who looked around in curiosity.

A man with a cape and a woman who has to be his wife looked indifferent. A man with a cape and a helmet with two horns stiffen when he heard my name, and I guess it was my imagination but the older version Jason looked worried at the horn guy.

"Anyway what're your names I gesture to the Avengers"

"Tony Stark, or iron man seriously you never heard?"

"Steve Rogers, or Captain America "

"Dr. Banner, the other guy is the hulk"

"Clint Barton, but call me Hawkeye"

"Julie Watson, but I'm called the black widow of field"

"Thor of Asgard "

I immediately sensed a lie because I was a son of Loki, and also I read their files, so Natasha Romanoff failed the test, then again she IS a spy.

"Natasha, Natasha what's the need to lie to your allies if your allies already know all about you," I said with a smirk

Of course, she being a spy had a stone mask on but falter as we were all walking, taking that as an opening I stop and turned to her waiting for an answer. The rest of the Avengers looked surprised and Dr. Banner said

"what do you mean already know"

"just saying I work for CHB, CJ, Brooklyn, and I have an okay rader with the Amazon. I can gather a lot of information about each and every one of you. Shoot! Almost forgot, Steve there's this kid, a little brother to me, who was frozen in time for 70 years he would love to meet you."

Once again the guy jaws drop

"Are.... are they more people like me"

"Two, the boy and a girl" I stated, "they both consider themselves as brother and sister, there was a girl a couple years ago but she went on..... A quest to prove herself, kinda like the fittest to survive, but... Well... She died. Right in front of me and I couldn't do anything. She was twelve." I said I held some sadness in me at the thought of that, she was too young to die, I wish I never told her my plan to stop that giant stupid robot.

Clint decides to speak

"that's..... that hard man"

"it's life" I merely state making it clear I hate pity

I glance back at the capes and the two women who were watching in silence, they definitely not knowing what to say, I was told not to question them since they did not want to.

"Here is the statue of achievements a park dedicated to heroes both alive and dead, it goes to Hercules, Odyssey, to new heroes such as..... Sally Jackson and Luke Castellan."

Thor said "Sally Jackson?"

I stiffen but silently cursed myself for showing a reaction that did not go unnoticed by the two spies, thor, and the guy with the horned helmet

"yeah... lots of people look up to her, she was one of the few who lived to have a family.... but she died tragically in the end"

Thor continues

"Who was her son"

Son? How did he know she had a son

"Son, how did you know she had a son," I said as I voice my thought

Percy Jackson, Son of Loki (complete)Where stories live. Discover now