The Start.

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My head snapped towards the direction of the high-pitched yet sassy voice, Kazuichi following my movement soon after. The voice was oddly familiar, and to my surprise, I was right about who this voice belonged to. It was the same girl who was talking in the restaurant that day, except her friend wasn't here. This girl was alone, but I had no idea that she went here at all. "Well well, looks like a few kids messing around with things that shouldn't be messed with." The light-ish pink haired girl continued. "Who are you guys searching for? I could be of some use I'm sure." Kazuichi and I glanced at each other, unsure of how this would play out. She sighed softly, "Looksies, I know you guys could totally not believe me, and be lame like that, but I could really be of some use to you, you can also be of use to me. It's a win-win for all of us." She explained to us, confidence boosting throughout her tone. Kazuichi hesitantly showed her the file of the unknown 'Hajime Hinata' and she looked at it thoroughly. I paused for a moment, we didn't even know who she was, yet here we were giving out our new information. "Before we go any further with this...partnership, we don't even know who you are." I said, trying to reach her level of confidence and certainty. She smirked before fake pouting, "Well well, I thought I would be so recognizable in this place! Especially since I helped create greatness, not to mention I'm a pretty hot model." Kazuichi paused for a moment, "Wait a minute.." his eyes then lit up, "You're the Junko Enoshima??" She smirked again, her ego clearly being boosted, "Seems as though I've got myself a 'lil fanboy, don't I?" He nodded excitedly, "You're only the top model in the world!" He then lightly knocked on the top of his head, "Must've been too focused to notice the connection sooner." I sighed, stopping this before we got too derailed from the topic at hand. "So, Junko, why do you seem so interested in the files we have?" She shrugged, "Let's just say that I want to get a deeper dive into something that I've tinkered in prior to your involvement in this school." I nodded slowly, she still seems a bit suspicious, but I don't think she would tell us anymore than what's already been said.

We were told to follow Junko, which one of us was more unwilling than the other, but nonetheless, we both followed. I got a text from Izuru, "Where are you?" I looked around before turning back to my phone and replying, "Just got out of the library, why?" I thought back to Izuru giving me a speech about Junko. My phone dinged again, "I'm heading over now, okay?" I panicked for a second. "H-hey Kaz-" Kazuichi and Junko turned, confused. "I gotta go. He said he was coming, and this is a secret ya know." Kazuichi nodded, understanding who this 'he' was. "R-right! I'll go with Junko and fill you in later." I smiled and nodded, "Thanks!~ See you guys later." I made my way over to the front of the library, waiting for Izuru to arrive. I hummed to myself, probably to calm my nerves I didn't necessarily knew I had. I sat on a wooden bench that was seated beside the library window and began to play on my phone as I waited. The game made me think of Chiaki, which also brought me into the lines of Hajime. Hajime. Why was I so interested in them? I wanted to just drop it, but I knew I couldn't, and that infuriated me. My thoughts were interrupted by someone sliding next to me and bumping my shoulder slightly. I looked up, noticing Izuru and smiled softly, my problems temporarily fading from my mind. "Hey, I thought you were still in class?" Izuru said, though it was more of a question. I nodded, "Kazuichi and I asked for time off for the library, he needs to catch up in class and I offered to help." I responded, lying through my teeth. It felt wrong to do this, but I don't want to get shut down on my chase. He nodded before placing his hand on mine, "You hungry? We can go somewhere to get food." I sighed, "You know we aren't meant to leave campus." He shrugged, "It was worth a shot." I smiled softly, "But we can make plans today? We haven't had like an official official date, you know." He had a small, yet complex reaction, though it only lasted for a second. "We haven't? But you hang out with me all the time, do you not like it?" I laughed slightly, he was never one to get my romantic cues, but he sure did try, at least that's what all the 'hidden' romance novels and guides told me. "I love hanging out with you Izu, but we could go out on a date or something? For fun and...well..for fun together, just...out of our homes." He nodded, thinking for a moment, "How about we go to the movies? I haven't really watched a movie in a long while." I smiled at his response, though he isn't always interested in things like this, it was very sweet of him doing this for me, well, us. "That sounds good!" I leaned my head on his shoulder, "You know what else sounds good?" I asked, looking out the nearby window. I felt his head turn to look down at me, "Hm?" I closed my eyes, "Sleeping in the warm sun. That sounds nice." He leaned his head on mine, "You know that takes steps up stairs and such if you mean going to the roof. I know you're too tired to do so right now." I grumbled slightly, just because he was correct, doesn't mean he has to tell me about it. "Yeah yeah, so what if I am Izu?" I laughed softly, it felt so nice being around him like this,

I wish we could stay just like this forever.

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Alright alright- this is for August updates and somewhat next month, but I will be working on this in my free time! 

Also oo now we be getting into the actual plot?? That's interesting :0

But anyways,

As always, I hope you've enjoyed!

The Untamed (Izuru x reader)Where stories live. Discover now