Last Day

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(A/N: Y'all really just gonna give me 5k reads and not expect me to cry? Like thank you so much TwT)

I yawned as Izuru sat on my bed. It had already been a week of fun events, and today was the last day of this field trip. We got the day off since our prizes and what not for the competitions were held yesterday, it was a nice day, though the ones who got more awards were the athletic ones since they are more competitive than we are. A yawn from the pale figure behind me took me out of my thoughts as I turned around. He fell back onto the bed, "We shouldn't have come" I smiled, "Aw why not? We had lots of fun yeah?" He rolled his eyes, "I enjoyed some parts, but you did make me do some of those stupid events." I gasped dramatically, falling back on the other side of my bed. "Muah? I would neverrrrr" He rolled his eyes and turned to look at me. "Why did you get on the bed? You know how long it takes you to get off? We need breakfast Y/n" I groaned, "Shhhhh you're ruining the momentttt" He shook his head, looking through me. "I know you're just using this moment to be lazy so come on." I sighed as he got up, pulling me along with him. "Come on Y/n, get ready." He said, patting my head before sitting on a desk chair and looking the opposite direction from me. I sighed and got some clothes from the drawers, getting changed.

I looked back at Izuru and smiled. He looked like he was drawing something, and was very concentrated. I leaned over him and looked at what he was drawing and I tilted my head, our eyes meeting. "Hey is that from the bus?" I asked, referring to our imagination talk. He nodded and showed me more visible. It was me in his kitchen, a plate of cupcakes in my hand, and I was looking down at a short little puppy. "I love it! You know, I would literally pay you to get a dog." He just shook his head, "I don't think I could even take care of a fish, much less a dog." I laughed shortly before heading to the door, Izuru followed behind, "Well I may just have to take care of your dog for you then."

We walked into the dining hall, only Ibuki and Akane were in there, with a select few students I didn't quite recognize. Ibuki noticed us and waved us down with a big grin. Izuru sighed before looking at me with a 'do we have to?' look, to which I just replied with a nod. We got our food before sitting down by the two energetic ladies. "Good Nom Nom Nomming!" Ibuki cheered out to us, a bit too enthusiastic for my taste, but I still enjoy being around her and sharing music and stuff. "How are you two doing?" I asked the two, "I mean, good! I only have this day to finish the food here, but it's still a good time ya know? Good is a good thing when food's involved too, I enjoy it so much!" I just nodded, not fully understanding what she was saying, though I knew she was doing just fine. Ibuki smiled mischievously at Izuru and I and clapped her hands, "So you two are soooo together right? Like you guys are always around each other and well, this dude doesn't talk to anyone but you!" She said with a determined smile, while our reply was flustered silence. Izuru nodded, clearing his throat, "We are...figuring things out..." He said, trying his best to talk to them without getting too flustered.

After a long conversation with Ibuki and Akane, (mostly just Ibuki congratulating our wedding that we did not have) we decided to walk around the camp grounds together. We weren't really around people so I began to hum softly, Izuru was silently enjoying the company. He suddenly stopped and backed up, "What's wrong Izu?" He pointed ahead of us and it was a duck, I looked at the duck, then to him, then burst out laughing. He glared at me, flicking my forehead. I apologised multiple times throughout my laughs, "I'-I'm sorry! It's just that- why are you scared of a little duckie?" He rolled his eyes, "That is not 'little' it is grown and will attack." I sighed and patted Izuru's head, "Oh you poor soul, not all ducks are crazy..Though, I guess if you've experienced something like that, I would get why they may scare you." He just stared at me as I held back another laugh, "Fine, we can go somewhere else, like...?" He thought about it and shrugged, "To your room? We can just watch a movie or relax?" I sighed thinking about saying how lazy an idea that was, but then I remembered, I'm me. "Good idea. What should we watch? Did you bring the popcorn bag thingy? Maybe Princess Bride- no you're right, it's too classic and emotional...Oh Shrek? Nah..Not in the mood for the short jokes..Oh what abo-" As I was rambling, Izuru leaned in close to my face, making me go quiet very fast. "You done?" I nodded before he patted my head, "Let's go to my room, I left the popcorn in there, and I only have your Spongebob DVD, so let's go" He replied to me before gently kissing my forehead. I blushed before walking towards an, already walking, Izuru. I fake gasped, intertwining our fingers, "Since when did you get all romantic on me?" With his "tsk" reply, we walked over to his room, getting the popcorn, and began the start of a wonderful last day. One thing was for sure though,

We need to officially talk about us, and what we want.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 


Oooo spicy what is the next chapter gonna be? 0-0 

But anyways! I hope you've enjoyed! 

Until next time ^^

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