A New Path

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(AUTHORS NOTE: also spoiler: I am aware that Hajime did not become Izuru in the time frame I am using but you also did not exist in this time frame (sorry that sounds mean:'/) Nonetheless enjoy this odd story)

I smiled waking up and getting ready, today was the day I step into a new life. Hopefully I won't do anything stupid... I sighed and looked myself in the mirror "This is it.." I nodded and smiled slightly and made my way to Hope's peak.

As I was walking towards the school, I noticed a group of students that were very...interesting, then I saw *him* He was not really near the group but it was like he was observing them. I shook my head and decided to make a few new friends, I walked a little faster, catching up to the group and tapped on a purple haired girl's shoulder and smiled softly before she yelped, "Ah~ I-I'm so-sorry!~" I chuckled a bit before shaking my head, "It's alright, I was the one that startled you" I said in a calming voice. She nodded slowly and tried to stop crying. I smiled and looked around to see almost everyone in the group was looking at us. I wave and smile "Hello everyone I am Y/n and I am going to be attending classes here." a few people nodded and waved, while some just stared, then a pretty pink-haired girl walked up to me and patted me on my head, not looking away from her game and said, "Hello, welcome to Hope's Peak" I smiled and nodded "Thank you! I hope we can all get along" With that I waved my goodbyes and walked towards the principals office, all the while a certain long-haired boy observed me.

I made my way into the office and sat with the principal and another man I call 'the scouter' which is exactly what he does. After a while of talking about classes and how they weren't really mandatory, he explained how I will be passing this year, and finally gave me my classroom. "I do hope you enjoy this campus and all that it brings, that'll be all for now." I nodded to the principal, though he wasn't super ecstatic, I figured he's just tired from his work, so I left without being a burden. I walked around the halls for a bit, and I felt something unsettling rise up in me..like I was being watched almost. I was brought out of my thoughts with a loud ringing noise indicating class is starting.

I walked into class and was met with familarish faces. "O-oh, hello! I'm the new classmate here" Some people smiled (mostly the girls (and a few guys ;-;)) while others couldn't care less. A nice lady approached me and smiled grabbing my hands and my attention. "Well hello new student! Y/n, right?" I nod as she continued, "I am Miss Yukizome! I am happy to see you join us" I couldn't help but smile in her presence, it calmed my nerves. "Thank you" She smiled and pointed to an empty desk, "Now, please have a seat and enjoy our class" I nodded and walked over to my seat. As I looked around, I noticed that this class was everywhere, not really chaotic, but talking to each other, roughhousing, and even playing games. I smiled, I guess this wouldn't be the same as my old school at all..

After an..interesting.. period it was finally lunch time. I grabbed my lunchbox and headed to the roof like I used to at my old school and noticed a familiar someone was there before me. I walked up next to him and sat by him, but not too close, and looked at the sky. "I didn't know you went here?" He looked at me and nodded before looking at the people down below us. "It's not like we're friends" I nodded pouting a bit since, he was right. "That doesn't mean we *can't* be dummy." He looked at me taken aback before sighing "You really are odd, huh? Do you know who I am?" I looked at him in the eyes, but me being me I came up short. "Nope, not a clue" He nods "That explains it, I am Izuru Kamukura" I think a bit before laying back and looking up at the sky again. "And I'm f/n l/n, nice to meet you Kamukura" He shook his head before laying back like me, "That's all? Maybe I should be the one to call you a dummy" I chuckled softly "I know who you are, I think it's interesting, though you could work on you're tone. You sound so bored of everything." He nods, "What if I am?" He said, still talking in a monotone voice. "Then I'll just have to change that for you. I'll tell you what." He looked over at me, "You meet me here every lunch and I'll give you one interesting thing to talk about each time you do show up. If I can't make you smile or show any emotions by winter. I'll leave you alone for the next few years we're here. Deal?" He shrugged "And if I never show up?" I looked back at him and smirked, "Then that's your lost, cause I'm pretty cool to be around" I hold out my hand and he hesitates slightly before grabbing my hand and shaking on it. 


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AAAAANNNND DONE! another chapter! I finally got my over my writers block! :D

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

(Also I'm sorry if Izuru is ooc at all in this book(which I'm sure he will be in some parts) But! It's so hard to have him get bored of everything so easily *Stupid emotions*)

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