I Made -The- Izuru Kamukura Smile!...Kind Of

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(This is a bit more out of character for both of them, but it'll be good I swear ^^)

   It was the next morning and we already made it to the café to grab a few things. "Ah so this is the patient!" My older brother stated louder than he should have. "Shut it doofus, we are trying to have a peaceful morning." I rolled my eyes grabbing Izuru and I pastries. "Um... Y/n?" "Yes?" I turn seeing my brother glaring at an uncomfortable Izuru. " Y/n Chop!" I said hitting my brother in the head. "Seriously? You're gonna scare him off you dummy!" I said annoyed. Izuru ruffled my hair causing me to turn around. "Y/n you're gonna be late, come on." He said in his monotone voice. I nod and smiled, "We're" Izuru tilted his head, "Huh?" "It's -we're- gonna be late." I replied as we waved goodbye and headed out.

I hummed softly as Izuru just listened while we made it to the gates of the school. "Hey Izuru?" I asked as we both turned to face each other. "Yeah?" The way he looked at me was the same as he had been since this weekend, and it quite honestly made my heart skip a beat. "Nevermind" I wave him off with a smile, "Well see ya later Izu!" I said before swiftly going to my class, rethinking my life choices. Did I just call him Izu? Gah! He must think I'm so strange. I groaned to myself when someone heard and looked over. "Hey girl...Something bothering you?" I looked over to see a certain red-haired girl looking concerned. "Oh, sorry Koizumi! I didn't mean to be so loud." I giggled nervously, hoping to avoid reliving the walk here, but it still replays despite my wishes. "I told you, it's Mahiru silly." She said lightly hitting me on the head. "S-sorry Mahiru." I mumbled rubbing my head. "Is it about that one boy you're always around?" I turned a light pink and waved the question away. "No way! Why would you think that?" She smirked slightly and shrugged. "Oh I don't know, maybe because you guys are getting close, then suddenly you just ran away this morning all sheepish." I roll my eyes slightly. ''I was not running away sheepishly, in fact, I wasn't even running. I don't run and I don't get all flustered around boys. Those two are not my lifestyle." I said looking out to the hallway and noticing a certain long haired boy calling me over. I look back at a smirking 'I told you so' Mahiru. I roll my eyes at her once more before smiling at Izuru and heading out to the hallway.

"You needed something?" I slightly tilt my head as Izuru grabs my wrist lightly and taking me to the roof. "Hey! Izuru, I sorta have class!" I groaned knowing he was stronger than me, instead of letting go of my wrist,we make it to the roof where he sits me down with him. "Say it again.'' He said in an all too serious tone. "Say what?" I said my voice lower than before, confused and worried I did something wrong. "The name. Say it again." That's when it dawns on me, he's upset cause I said that stupid nickname. "I-Izu?" He nods and lets go of my wrist. "That's your new name for me..I would like you to call me that from now on.." He mumbled to where I could barely hear. "S-so you aren't mad I said Izu?" He looked away, almost flustered. "No..." I smiled big before hugging his side and clapping to myself. "Gah! I thought I upset you! Thank goodness!" I cheered before looking over to a now half smiling Izuru. I paused. "Izur-Izu...Are you smiling?" I tilt my head as he quickly went back to his same bored look. "No.." I smirked. "You totally did!" I jumped up and clapped to myself again. "Hey world!!" I shouted from the rooftop. "I just made -the- Izu smile!! I have done the impossible!!!" I shouted before sitting back down feeling accomplished. "Only 'cause you cheered over me not being mad at you, it was a pretty dumb thing to get upset about." He replied looking away, as I pouted slightly.

The reality was, he knew in that moment, he would give up everything just so you would care about him like that everyday.

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This is the last shortish one before I go into the longer updates!^^ 

I don't really know how long I want this story to be but I don't want things to be too rushed or too slow so please bare with me if some chapters are more fluff than other.

Anyways thank you guys for voting :) It really helps me know what you guys want!

As always, I hope you enjoyed!~ 

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