Chapter 5 Video Games

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As we walked out of the café I pulled out my phone and texted Mandy.

“Ello darling, going to Harrys to watch a film, nothing more than that ;) just thought I’d let you know, don’t stay up xx”

After a few seconds my phone vibrated.

“we’re gonna let you believe that… have fun xx”

I stiffened a laugh and Harry looked at me with a questioned look.

“I just have some amazing friends” I said.

“Yeah, what were their names again? Mandy and Sophie, right?”

“Exactly! Can’t believe you remembered that! So do you live alone?” I asked.

“Nah, I live with Louis. Niall, Liam and Zayn all live alone but in the same complex” he said simply.

“What is he like, Louis?”

 “Louis is amazing; he’s the best friend I could ever ask for. We can tell each other literally anything” he looked down and smiled at me then started to laugh as he probably remembered some memories.

“Yeah, I feel so about Mandy and Sophie to, I can tell them everything and we can be ourselves. I think that’s the most important in a friendship and a relationship: that you can be yourself. And that one person makes you you-er.” I said thinking of my lovely friends.

We were quiet the rest of the walk to his flat. I was once again struck by the beauty of London. Even if it was late at night people were going everywhere, it was like people never slept. But I guess I’m just not used to it. Suddenly I heard someone call my name from behind. It was then I realized that Harry had stopped walking.

“Caz, uhm here it is” he said chuckling.

“Uh yeah, right” I said as I awkwardly walked to him.

“London is pretty isn’t it?” he said as he had read my mind.                    

“Yeah, it really is” I answered looking up at him.

He smiled and then walked up the stairs and hold up the door for me. He was going for the elevator but I stopped him.

“Harry, I’m not so fond of elevators…” I said looking down at my shoes.

“it’s okay love, we’ll just take the stairs. Some exercise hasn’t killed anyone” he said reaching out for my hand. 

I took it and we started walking up the stairs to the 4th floor. He explained that he and Louis lived on the 4th floor, Liam and Niall on the 3rd and Zayn lived on the 2nd.

He knocked on the door and after a few seconds the door was swung open by a very happy Louis.

“Hello love, I guess you are Caroline?” he said and pulled me into a tight hug and swung me around.

You can say I was quite taken by the moment, at the least.

“Hello Louis, nice to meet you again” I said smiling at him.

“We were just going to watch a film; would you like to join Lou?” Harry asked.

“Nah, I don’t think so, I was just going over to Eleanor, but thanks anyway! Bye!” he said putting on his navy blue TOMS.

The door shut behind us and we started off to the living room.

The living room was amazing, it was so big and two large sofas in the middle witzh a huge TV in front of them. On the floor were all the kinds of video games you could ever imagine, typical guys. One wall was decorated with all their records and awards. In the back there was a huge spiral stair that lead up to the second floor. I was just amazed.

“Would you like something to eat?” Harry screamed from the kitchen.

“Uhm, yeah, what do you have to offer?” I screamed back.

He peeked his curly head out of the door and smiled that beaming smile at me.

“Everything” he said as he jumped out in the living room doing a pirouette. 

I giggled at his stupidness and of course, cuteness. I started to join him in the ballet show and we were swirling around the floor. It wasn’t gracious; of course it wasn’t, be we had fun and we laughed at each other at our inability to dance.

Suddenly I fell on the carpet and I was now lying flat on the ground, laughing as a madman. Harry laughed so hard that he also fell to the ground. He was lying on the floor, clapping his hands like a retarded seal,  which I laughed even harder about. I tried to stand up but Harry grabbed my wrist and pulled me back so that I was now lying beside him on the floor.

“Tell me a secret” he said as he looked into my eyes. 

Our faces were so close that I could feel his hot breath in my face. I looked in to his sparkling green eyes and I felt happy. It had been a long time since I just felt… happy. Sure my friends were amazing, but they couldn’t fill this empty part in my heart. The part that once had belonged to a guy, but now it was empty. I could slowly feel the hole be whole again.

“I….” I started to stutter.

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