Chapter 11 Slow and Steady

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“I can’t do it” I said as Mandy and Sophie stared at me.

“But that’s kind of what famous friends are for?” Mandy said with pleading eyes.

“No it’s certainly not! I don’t want him to think that I’m friends with him just because he is famous!” I said looking at them both.

“Mandy, she’s right” Sophie said and looked at a bit disappointed Mandy. “But maybe you could just ask?” she continued smiling.

“No I don’t think-“ I started but just as I was going to continue Mandy stole my telephone.

“Whoops…” she said as I looked at the screen terrified.

Calling Harry

“You bastards!” I said.

“Hi Caz” Harry answered.

I mouthed that I was going to kill them and picked up the phone from the bed where I had thrown it just seconds before.

“Hi Harry! Nice that you called” I said as simply as I could.

“But, it was you that called me?” he asked confused.

“Yeah, whatever, but what have you been up to?” I asked.

“Nothing much really, hanging around with the boys. What about you?” he asked.

Just as I was about to answer Sophie snitched the phone out of my grip.

“Hi Harry, its Sophie!” she said smiling. “So, we just wondered if you knew Ed Sheeran.  Well of course you do, Caz told us the story haha” she said and then she was quiet for a minute when Harry spoke.

“Great, thank you so much! Caz didn’t want to say anything because she thought you would think she just wanted to be friends because you were famous…” she said. “Yeah I know she’s so kind and amazing, right Harry?” she continued as she smiled big at me.

“So, we’ll see you tomorrow night then?” Sophie asked and then nodded. “Bye and thank again Harry!” she said as she hung up.

I just gave her the evil eye and stared at her and shook my head.

“What?” she asked innocent.

I rolled my eyes at them and walked in to the kitchen to make dinner. We had been out sightseeing all day so we were all very tired in our legs, but it was worth it. We had been to see the dungeons and the Crown jewels, it was very interesting actually. And it had been fun to just spend the day with Mandy and Sophie, just like we used to: goofing around and eat. Damn all those fish and chips.

As I wasn’t that good at cooking I just made lime salmon with rice and ginger sauce. I can surprise myself sometimes actually. I called that dinner was done and they both came running.

“Thanks for helping me girls, you are so thoughtful” I said smiling at them.

“Sorry, but we fixed some things” they said and sat down at the table.

“Caroline this is so good!” Mandy exclaimed.

“Thank you, I looked it up online and I thought it would be nice” I said shuffling in another bit in my mouth.

We finished our food and then headed for the TV and the couch. We always started with a Disney film to warm up; it often ended with Titanic or The Last Song, which we cried rivers to. But you can’t blame us, they were good.

We ate a lot of chips and chocolate and watched the films; it was the perfect night since it was raining over London tonight.

“So what did you fix before, if I may ask?” I asked.

“Uh, just a little something for tomorrow, but it’s a surprise so we can’t say anything” Mandy said still looking at the TV.

My phone vibrated on the table and I quickly grabbed it before Sophie or Mandy did.

It was from Harry

Are you up for a walk in the rain? xx

We did have a G.N.I and I didn’t feel like ditching them for Harry, not today. But I’ve always loved walks in the rain…

“You should go” I heard Mandy whisper.

“What?” I asked to look at her.

“Go out and walk with Harry. Soph is already asleep and I can watch the film myself” she said smiling.

“But it’s our G.N.I…” I said.

“I can tell that you really like Harry, so don’t waste your chances” she said smiling reassuringly.

“Thank you” I said as I hugged her. “Have I told you lately how much I love you guys?”

“We love you loads to, now off you go!” she said.

Yeah I’d love that, my place in 15 min? xx

They really were the best friend on this earth.  

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