Chapter 14 Kiss Me

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I stood in front of my mirror and hummed “Give Me Love” while I put on some makeup; we were going to a concert after all. I put on some jeans and the top I bought earlier today and matched it with my favorite pair of Converse. I mean Ed would probably sit there in a usual t-shirt and a hoodie, so I could wear that as well right?

“Are you excited?” Sophie asked as we sat in the taxi to the concert.

“Are you kidding? I’m more than excited, I am SUPER EXCITED” I said laughing.

“Good” Mandy said.

The taxi ride wasn’t that long so we stepped out of the car 10 minutes after. There were girls everywhere and I thought I saw some boys to. Sophie and Mandy walked directly to the front of the queue and showed the guard a piece of paper and he let us through. I didn’t know how they managed that, but I guess it had something to do with Harry. Suddenly we were backstage and there was people running around everywhere. Mandy walked to a door that read “Dressing room”.

“Mandy, no! We can’t go in there” I hissed.

Both Mandy and Sophie just looked at me and rolled their eyes and walked in. I stayed outside and looked around and when there was no one watching I snuck in to be greeted by Ed, Harry, Louis and Liam.

“Well, there we have her! Hi Caroline without z, nice to meet you again” Ed said as he hugged me.

I couldn’t say anything. Not a single word.

“You spoke so much last time, maybe you’ve run out of words” Ed said chuckling.

Harry walked to me and stood behind me and imitated my voice – well it didn’t sound like me, but he tried.

“Hi Ed, nice to meet you to. I really love you and you are fantastic and-“Harry said with “my voice”. But I cut him off.

“I’m so sorry, but I wasn’t prepared for this. Hi Ed, thanks for all this” I said smiling at him.

“No probs Caroline, I really got to go now, kinda have a concert to attend” he said smiling at me and then walked out on stage.

“That went well” Harry chuckled as he hugged me from behind.

“I do not sound like that Harold” I said.

“You know my name isn’t Harold right?” he said placing a kiss on my cheek.

“Whatever, I can’t call you Harry when I need to be serious…” I said realising myself from his grip. “Let’s go the concert has already begun!”

We had perfect seats and Ed was amazing. His voice is pure heaven and asdfghjkl. He is just perfect that man. After a while in the concert Harry nudged me in my side.

“I’m just going to the toilet, I’ll be right back” he whispered. I just nodded my head and continued looking at the stage.

Right now Ed was singing “Lego House” and oh it was perfect. I don’t think there are other words to describe Ed other than perfect.

“Thank you so much for coming here tonight” Ed said in the microphone. “Here comes a special song for we have a special guest in the audience tonight”

He started playing a few chords on his guitar and then he started singing.

Your hand fits in mine 

Like it's made just for me 

But bear this in mind 

It was meant to be 

And I'm joining up the dots 

With the freckles on your cheeks 

And it all makes sense to me 

And then Liam stepped out on the stage and started singing. Damn he was good.

I know you've never loved 

The crinkles by your eyes when you smile 

You've never loved 

Your stomach or your thighs 

The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine 

But I'll love them endlessly 

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth 

But if I do, 

It's you, 

Oh it's you, 

They add up to 

I'm in love with you, 

And all these little things 

Then Louis started singing his part, his voice was like an angel.

You can't go to bed, 

Without a cup of tea, 

And maybe that's the reason why you talk in your sleep 

And all those conversations 

Are the secrets that I keep 

Though it makes no sense to me 

Then Harry stepped out and singing and he looked at me the whole time he sang.

I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape 

You never want to know how much you weigh 

You still have to squeeze into your jeans 

But you're perfect to me 

And they all singed the rest in perfect harmonies.

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth 

But if it's true, 

It's you, 

It's you, 

They add up to 

I'm in love with you, 

And all these little things 

The crowd went crazy after, everyone stood up and just clapped their hands. There was no screams or cheering, just hands clapping. I looked around and I saw everyone crying.

The boys went off the stage and Ed started playing “Kiss Me”. Just as he was singing the refrain I felt someone spin me around and crash their lips onto mine.

“You are so beautiful” Harry said as he kissed me intensely one more time.

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love 

Falling in love

We're falling in love

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