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"What do you mean, uncle?" A black to red-haired 16 years old asked, looking up to a black-haired 27-year-old man.

"Do you want to join me and take over the world?" The 27-year-old man asked again, looking down at the 16-year-old.

"Of course, uncle," replied the 16-year-old, "do you mind if I asked my best friends to accompany us?"

"Inosuke and Zenitsu?"

"Yes, I would want to take over the world with you along with my best friends," the 16-year old said.

"Alright then," the 27-year-old said, "lead the way, Tanjiro."

"Okay," the 16-year-old, known as Tanjiro, replied.

Turning his back to the 27-year-old, walking down his front porch. Walking towards Zenitsu's house.

It was late at night, everybody sleeping. The moon was hanging in the sky as it illuminate the path for Tanjiro and the 27-year-old.

Tanjiro then knocked on the door. The 27-year-old man a few steps back.

Zenitsu opened the door, yawning "What do you- Tanjiro, Mister Muzan?"

"Hello there, Zenitsu," the 27-year-old, known as Muzan, greeted.

"What can I help you with?" Zenitsu said, pushing his short dark black hair out of his face, "it's midnight."

"I know, Zenitsu listens," Tanjiro said, leaning forward, "do you want to take over the world along with me and my uncle Muzan?"

"How are we gonna do that?" Questioned Zenitsu, "what about Inosuke?"

"We're going to ask him later," Tanjiro asked, "so what do say?"

"If you agreed, sure I'll join," Zenitsu agreed, looking past Tanjiro to Muzan.

Muzan just grinned, his usually small grin.

"Now, we're going to Inosuke?" Muzan questioned.

"Mhm! Let's go!" Tanjiro said happily, getting more excited.

"Wait, right now?" Zenitsu asked, with a gasp.

"Yeah, the sooner, the better," Tanjiro replied, dragging Zenitsu towards Inosuke's house.


"Okay here," Muzan said, handing all the 3-young boys a small bowl of his blood, "drink it."

"Huh?" Zenitsu gasped, "drink this? It sounds like blood!"

Gulp Gulp

Zenitsu and Inosuke turned their heads towards the sound. It was Tanjiro gulping down the blood.

"I'll drink it faster!" Inosuke said, loudly, quickly gulping down the blood.

Zenitsu hesitantly swallowed the blood.

Muzan looked amused as he looked at 3-boys below him, drinking his blood.

Zenitsu started shrieking out in pain, as horns started growing out of his forehead and his teeth started growing fangs. His nails grew long. His hair faded away to blond.

Inosuke started to hold his body in pain as black marks started emerging out of nowhere causing him to feel like he was burning. His teeth also develop fangs.

Tanjiro on the other hand endured a headache towards his left forehead where a red mark appeared, replacing the burn scar he got. His eyes started stingy as they turned blood red. He also developed fangs.

"Good, your body can handle my blood," Muzan commented, "from now on, you'll wear the demon's name with pride."

"Mister Muzan," Zenitsu interpreted, "I'm a bit hungry."

"Oh yeah, forgot about that," Muzan replied, "Go hunt, kill and eat human before the sun rises or, you'll be dead. Go."

As soon as he said 'Go', the 3-scattered, blood and scream following soon after.


AN- This is the picture I used for the cover!!

AN- This is the picture I used for the cover!!

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I just edit it. Also, this is how they'll going to look like too.

(Sorry If there was any error in the prologue and there may be more errors in the future chapter.)

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