Chapter 41

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Ryo opened his mouth to say something but their attention was caught by a sound of a branch outside their door being stepped on.


The door creaked as the door opened. As the four kids stared at the door, anticipating what will appear behind the door.

An odd-looking human came to view. It had colored hair which was mixed weirdly with small black patches all over its exposed body. As it smiled, yellow sharp teeth appeared.

"OOoohh, what ar' you younglings to her'," It spoke, looking down at the four with eyes full of lust.

"Who are you, mister?" Ryo spoke out, coming in between the odd human and his three friends, "I demand to know who you are!"

The right eye of the odd human twitched in annoyance, "How'r dar' a food talk to its consumer' like that'r."


Once the four kids heard that they were food, they knew exactly who this creature was. It was a...


Ryo, the eldest out of the four although shy and polite always had a sense of duty to protect his younger friends who he sees as his younger brothers so there was no way he would let them die to a disgraceful creature.

Ryo looked at the demon with determined eyes to kill him, he got a stake he always has on his back and aim it at the demon.

Inosuke although shivering so much got out from under the blanket causing Zentisu to gasp at the sudden coldness that hit his side. Inosuke too grabbed a weapon which was a ploy they had stolen from a farmer early in their journey to survival.

Tanjiro just held onto Zentisu, hoping his weak body would not submit to the cold and harsh weather.

"OOohh, courageous younglings you ar'," The demon said, licking his lips as he stretch his back, preparing to fight 2 kids, 4 if necessary.

Upon seeing the demon guard down as it stretch, Ryo charged toward the demon, stake in hand.

As soon as Ryo thought that the stake drove into the body of the demon, everything came to a halt. Ryo's vision became blurry and his body felt extremely hot.

The three young children looked on in shock, their mouths gaping. Tanjiro quickly covered Zentisu's eyes, looking away himself. Inosuke stood there unmoving not knowing what to do. Ryo was there, his body lifted from the ground, the stake driven into the body of the demon but...the demon's arm driven into Ryo's torso.

Ryo wouldn't survive, he couldn't, not with an injury like that.

Ryo looked down at his torso, blood everything.

"Well, well, well, ar'n't you a brave one," the demon spoke with a smirk on his face.

He got down to business, taking a bite off of Ryo's shoulder.

The bone crushing against the demon's teeth and Ryo's scream filled the entire small broken-down cabin making the young boys shiver.

Inosuke tried to look away but it was like seeing a tragic train accident but you couldn't take your eyes off of it. Soon his body moved on its own. He rushed towards the demon with the stolen plow but he was blown away by a sudden pressure.

Everything became warm.

Ryo had combusted into flames, his body no longer in sight. Flames were everywhere. The crackling of the fire and the high-pitch scream of the demon filled the entire forest, threatening to make anyone's ears bleed.

Inosuke quickly got up, turned around, and lifted Tanjiro and Zentisu from the small wooden bench. He ran away from the flames carrying the two boys in his arms but he wasn't fast enough.

Soon they were surrounded by flames, Ryo's flames, which had warmed the three boys and melted the snow around them.


"Dear, I almost forgot his name!" Tanjiro exclaimed, "Do you guys think his flames are still there?"

"It is," Inosuke replied, stoic.

The three were now sitting in a circle behind Tanjiro's couch away from Muzan's sight.

"You visited often huh," Zentiu point out.

Inosukes eye twitched, "Shut up, I'm just thankful for his sacrifice."

"I still don't know how he combust into flames though, it was one of a kind, beautiful too," Tanjiro added. 

Zentisu started to play with his hair out of boredom, "He was going to die anyway. He suddenly felt warmer which was a sign that his body was dying."

"Right..." Tanjiro said, looking down at his thighs, eyes filled with the sower.

Inosuke looked around, looking at the demons who were still slumped over, "How long do you think it'll take for them to wake up?"


All Mitsuri remembers before passing out was that she was in Nezuko's arms as she was saying things inaudible to her ears.

"You're awake," Nezuko said from the side of Mitsuri's bed, "Obanai would be happy to hear your up."

Mitusrui's face flushed as she heard his name, "Is he okay?"

Nezuko looked at Mitsurui, "He's fine don't worry about it."

Mitsuri's mind was filled with rosy thoughts about Obani but then she saw the look Nezuko had on her face, before she could say anything, Nezuko spoke.

"There's going to be a hashira meeting in a few minutes." With that Nezuko left the room leaving Mitsuri with an off taste in her mouth.


An: There was some confusion with ch 38. So from what I remember Sanemi and Genya's family took in Inosuke. They bonded and they saw each other as siblings so that's why Inosuke kept calling him brother. So if I do recall Inosuke turned their mother into a demon and Sanemi killed her. So that's why Inosuke says that Sanemi was the one who killed her because Inouske didn't end her life but prolonged it by turning her into a demon. Hope this gives you guys a better understanding and sorry I should've made that clear.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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