Chapter 14

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"It's fine, It's fine, Kokushibou-dono," Douma said, "I have absolutely no problem with what he did."

Everyone on the room attention was on them (expect for Zenstisu).

"I'm not saying this for your benefit," Kokushibou stated, "I'm troubled over the fact that he's not only disrupting the hierarchy, but also making cracks in out entire subordinate relationship."

"Ohhhh, I see now," Douma said, snapping.

"Akaza, if he really bothers you, you should apply for a blood battle to swap placed with him," Uppermoon 1 suggested.

"But like, Kokushibou-dono, even if Akaza-dono applied for one, there's no way he can beat us," Douma said, smiling, "On top of that I became a demon way after he did and I reached success earlier than him. He must be feeling extremely pissed inside! Understand the guy, well you?"

Akaza was pissed but he knew they were right. There was no way in hell he can beat them.

"Besides, I intentionally didn't dodge him. It was just a bit of fun-"

Douma was cut off when Tanjiro spoke up, "Now now, you shouldn't be bullying those who are in lower ranks than you. Especially when they become demons way earlier than you." Tanjiro was now standing beside Akaza, "Unlike my uncle, I value experience more than power. I'm pretty sure Akaza can beat blond dude some way or another."

" I see why Akaza respects you more the Muzan-sama," Douma said, awing in admiration, "Wait- you said uncle right? I assume you are talking about-"

"Yes, Muzan Kibutsuji is my uncle. I'm one of the 1st demon he had created along side my best-friend over there." Tanjiro pointed at Inosuke and Zenstisu, "Inosuke and Zenstisu."

"I see..." Kokushibou turned his body away.

"Farewell, Kokushibou-dono!" Douma said.

Before uppermoon 1 can jump off, Inosuke blocked his path, "No so fast, 6 eye. You and I have something to do."


Kokushibou and Inosuke disappear with the sound of the Biwa.

"There he goes," Tanjiro sigh

"Hey Akaza, would you like to hunt? Me, you, and Enmu?" Tanjiro asked, facing towards Akaza.

Akaza nodded his head.

"Biwa, teleport us 3 to the city," Tanjiro told the Biwa.


The 3 got teleported into a small room, "This is my place, make yourself comfortable for now." 

Tanjiro want into his room and came back out with some , "These clothing should fit you," Tanjiro handed Akaza the clothes, "we also need to do something about your marks and skins."

"Why?" Akaza asked hesitating.

"So you guys can blind into the human society. I like to go around the city and get my perfect targets. I prefer healthy humans," Tanjiro stated, "Emnu come over here, I think I got a few makeup that can cover up those marks."

Emnu walked towards Tanjiro while Akaza took off his clothes and wearing the clothes that Tanjiro gave him, "I still don't look human."

Tanjiro laughs, "Don't worry about it Akaza, I have something that will make you look more human and if makeup don't work on Emnu, I may have to do the same to him too."


"So you're Inosuke? Zenstisu?" Douma asked, looking up at the blond-demon.

"Zenstisu. Call me Zenstisu," Zenstisu said in a cold tone, folding the clothes he stitched.

"So Zenstisu-dono since you been one of the 1st demon created. What's your relationship with Muzan-sama?" Douma asked again, sitting.

Zanstisu sighed, "I'm just a friend of Tanjiro who ended up being related to Muzan-sama."

"Umm, Douma? Could you possible lunch me over there?" Gyokko asked, going up to Douma.

"Sure, Gyokko-dono," Douma said, picking up Gyokko. Standing on both feet, he lunched Gyokko far.

"So Zenstisu, would you like to-"


"Impressive, indeed," Insouke said.

"Who are you?" Kokushibou asked again, going for a slash.

Insouke blocked it with one of his sword, "Who I am isn't important right now. You are indeed worthy of the title of the uppermoon 1." Insouke jumped back, "But to be honest, I'm quite disappointed. I thought you be stronger."

Kokushibou didn't say anything.

"You kinda look like someone I met a few thousand years ago," Insouke stated, "He was strong, strong enough to almost kill our boss."

"And who may that be?" Kokushibou questioned, gripping tight on the handle of his sword.

"How am I suppose to remember, it was a thousand years ago. Asked Tanjiro, I'm sure he remember," Insouke looked back up to Kokushibou, "The demon with the red hair."

"Oh-" Kokushibou paused, suddenly jumping up to Insouke, cutting his upper head off.

"You seem to really want to beat me," Inosuke said, regenerating his face at amazing speed, "I hate losing so I won't let you win."

Inosuke quickly leaped forward, slashing Kokusihbou's body left too right and jumped back.

Blood Demon Art: 9th Fang: Explosive Rush Insouke swing both his sword in a circle creating wind that rush in blinding speed towards the enemy, In this case Kokushibou.

Insouke stoped the swing of both sword and dash forward toward Kokushibou, getting cut by his own blood demon art.

He reached Kokushibou and was about to slash his neck but paused, "You see how easily I could've killed you if I wanted to?"

"I thought Muzan-sama made it so that we demons can't kill each other."

"You see that's were I have the advantage. I was one of the first demon to be ever created and back them it was only me, Tanjiro, Zenstisu, and boss himself. Boss just got his power and couldn't really control his power yet. But all that is irrelevant. Boss just trust me more and I'm not going to break that trust by killing you." Inosuke pulled his sword away from Kokushibou's neck, letting Kokushibou relax. 

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