Chapter 3

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This must be Asakusa, Tokyo, Nezuko thought. It's big and crowded. Am I going to be able to find a demon in this city?

Nezuko had grown up in the mountains away from big and crowded cities so, going to Asakusa, Tokyo, was a new experience for her.

Nezuko started walking down the streets, dodging people as she went. She learned that swords weren't allowed in big cities so, you can't carry them around, but The city is big and busy. I don't think anyone will notice anyway.

It was a beautiful place. Lights lit up the streets. It was something Nezuko couldn't have imagined existed. I guess cities have advanced a lot through the years. The last time she visited a city was when she was just 3-years old, and it was a dull city like the villages in the mountains.

The streets are packed with people. Do they usually sleep late?

As Nezuko continued into the city searching for the demon, she couldn't help but admire the beautiful lights. They're so beautiful. I wish my family were here to see such a sight.

Nezuko turned the corner into an alleyway to find 2-people making out, "I beg your pardon!" Nezuko quickly turned the other way and walked out of the alleyway as fast as she could manage.

She continued into the city until she reached the outskirt of Asakusa. This is nicer. She noticed a Yamakake Udon shop. She walked up to who seemed to be the owner, "Excuse me, a bowl of yamakake udon, please."

"S-sure thing," the owner didn't seem to have expected any costumer, but it's just 1 more person.

I want to sleep as much as I can after this mission. She thought as she sat on the bench in front of the shop. I still have to keep my guard up.

It was a silent atmosphere with the sound of chopping and cooking. It smells good.

"Here's your Yamakake udon," the owner said, holding a bowl of Yamakake Udon out the small window of the small shop.

"Thank you very much," Nezuko thanked, taking the Yamakake udon.

The Yamakake udon had original flavor-looking udon topped off with egg and thinly sliced green onions and thinly sliced dried seaweed. Looks yummy.

Nezuko was about to dig in, but then a sudden smell caught her attention, dropping the bowl of Yamakake udon. A scared face displayed on her face, as she slowly looked around. It's coming from the city! Nezuko slowly got up and ran off towards the Asakusa, gripping her sword.

As she entered the crowded city once again, pushing people, the only thing that came to mind was the sent. The sent that lingered at my house! Kibutsuji Muzan!

The scent got stronger as she got closer. Is this his sent? She ran and, ran towards the sent before she stopped behind a tall guy with a white fedora hat with black ribbon and a suit.

"Hello there, Mister," Nezuko said, poking the man in the arm.

The man turned around, displaying his plum red eyes with an annoyed look on his face, "hn?"

So this is how you look like, Kibutsuji, Nezuko thought with a close eyes smile, gripping onto her sword, "I'm sorry for the disturbance, but I-"

"Daddy?" A young female voice called out, stopping Nezuko from fully letting her sword out, "Who's that?" The child asked, poking her head out while holding onto the older man.

It surprised Nezuko as she didn't expect to be a human child in the arm of the king of demons. Playing as a human? What a clever idea!

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