Chapter 8

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Kanao started cutting through Daki's sash, "Could you please stop squirming. You're just a gross maggot sash."

Tch, she's skillfully avoiding the humans when she cuts, Daki's sash thought, And I went through the trouble of preserving such fresh food. And she has some sharp senses!! Especially her abnormal ability to sense bloodlust. No matter which direction I attack from, she'll notice my attacks and evade them. I never expected a demon hunter to come into the food storehouse. What'll we do?

Take her alive, Daki told her sash. That's the person who got in the way when I captured 'Makio'. She was beautiful. Use the preserved humans to your full advantage. You may kill any of them except for the ten prettiest ones. It'll be difficult to take him alive and not just kill him. But use some humans there and strengthen your power.

Kanao came up to the sash and swung her sword. I can't cut it? Is it because of the squirming? Kanao jumped back, avoiding the sash attack.

"There's no point in cutting me. I'm not the 'real body' after all," the sash stated, "But more importantly, you worked hard to save those girls, you sure it's okay to neglect them? I can immediately regain the strength I lost from getting by you."

So I have to fight this worm while protecting the humans.

A kunai want flying through the air, "Maggot sash, huh? Couldn't have put it better myself!" A girl with light bangs said, holding onto a kunai.

"That thing is so gross. You're right," A smaller girl with dark hair agreed, "I'm telling Tengen-sama."

"We'll back you up. Good luck, butterfly girl," the light hair girl said, dashing towards the sash with the smaller girl.

"Who are you guys?" Kanao questioned, slashing the sash.

"We're Uzui's wives! But I can't fight very well," the smaller, darker hair woman said, "So don't expect too much from me!"

"Sumaaa!! Stop acting like a weakling," the light bang hair woman yelled, cutting the sash around the dark hair girl now known as Suma.

"But, but, Makio-san, you know I'm just worthless loser, right?" Suma responded, "And I got captured right away! I can't protect all these captured people!!" Suma started whining, "I'm probably going to be the first to die."

"That's right. You get it," the sash responded to Suma, "now, who should I go for first?"

"That's not the real body," Kanao informed Suma and Makio, "If that's true, then this is bad. This fight's never going to end." Kanao then picked up her pace and quickly used the side of the cave to bounce from, cutting the sash.

"Is that girl from the demon brigade too?" Suma asked Makio.

"Why do they look so ridiculous?" Makio questioned.

"I have no idea."

What with this girl? She's so quick. But more importantly, were there noises just now? There was a noise coming from above. The sash thought before the cave opened, causing everyone to stop, The wind..?! An air hole opened up!? How did someone manage to open a hols above ground? Someone's here.

The mist clouded the view. It started parting way revealing a silhouette of a man. It was Uzui Tengen.

This presence!! He's a pillar!! The sash realized.

Uzui cut down the sash surrounding his wives.

"Tengen-sama..." Makio trailed out.

"Makio. Suma. Sorry for being late," Uzui apologized, "Time to put on a real flamboyant show." Uzui patted both Makio and Suma's head, "Looks like you did a flamboyant job here. I knew you could do it, my girls."

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