Chapter 1

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Maysha's POV -


okay let me just introduce myself

I am Maysha Vintelli Basu. I am actually 16 yrs old . I am a high schooler and love to sing .

My biological mom died when I was 5yrs due to some shootout in our house while trying to save me . My biological dad belives that I'm the reason why my mom died. He used to abuse me till the age of 10 when my dads brother my uncle came to know how he used to treat and thus he adopted me.

I live with my uncle's family and which is actually my family now and I'll do anything to save them .My bio dad always plays the role of Hitler in my life and me being the target for him in this case. He had send me a letter last month where he wrote that he is coming to kill me and the clock of my life is ticking every second for my end..

I am terrified but I also belief my dad(uncle) who would do anything to protect me from his brother.

Now, let me tell about myself which is I call my aunt as mom or mommy and my uncle as dad . I love them too much. Dad is a cardiac surgeon and mom is a writer . I really love her books . Actually I am a bookworm . By the way their names are Leonardo Vintelli and Sasha Vintelli . They have a son who is elder than me by 3yrs and a girl who is the cutest and is 6yrs old. Their names are Jacob (J) Vintelli and Amelia Vintelli. In my case I am more than their daughter . They love me too much like I do to them .

I actually want to become a successful cardiac surgeon like dad one day so that he can proudly say that I am his daughter . I have a lot of hobbies and I love to do all of those things .

Ohhh!!!!! I forgot to tell the names of my bio mom and dad which are Anika Basu and Theodore Vintelli. Yes you guysss are absolutely right my mother was an Indian and I use her surname and I love it.

Present time:

Last three weeks dad decided that we would shift to California . It was planned that dad was going as he is the owner of the JV Hospital chain and the main branch being there he had to go there but after the letter from my bio dad came last month dad decided that we all should go there. I would start my senior year there , J would start his college from there and Ame her first grade . Their is another reason for us moving is that I was sextually harassed and raped by a male teacher and his son in my previous school and that's why I am really terrified and don't want to go back to that school.

Last week mom and J went there and tried to settle all the paperwork of our school and college. Today is the day is the day before the day when me , dad and Ame go finally .

I woke up after hearing my clock from last few minutes.

I got up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine and have a shower. After completing and getting dressed in a jeans and a sweatshirt I go to my room . After entering I started to do my hair . While doing that I heared my phone going off I received the call which was actually my dad .


"Hey sweetie, Good morning "

"Good morning dad "

"Sweetie can you do me a small favour ? "

" Yes dad what it is?"

" Can you please wake up your sister and make her breakfast? I had an urgent call from the hospital and had to come here early I will surely bring Chinese for dinner okay?"

"Sure dad I'll wake Ame up and make her breakfast "

" Thanks sweetie, love you , Bye"

"Love you dad and Bye"

End Call

I went to my sisters room . ' Good morning my princess , get up '.....

'I am up sissy ' my sister shouted 'Now then get up and brush your teeth , do your morning routine and get dressed ' ,' I am going downstairs to my your favorite breakfast, okay'... 'Yaaayyyyy pancakes with chocolate....'

I laughed and went downstairs to make the pancakes for both of us.

After eating I started to do the dishes and Ame went to play with her soft toys .After doing every thing I called Ame she came running I asked her ' What do you want to do now ?'...She started to think like the adults ans then said ' Lets go to the park ' .

' Okay lets go but before that pack your toys in the box and get dressed while I update mom about us'....'Okay sissy'...she went away running towards her room .

After returning from the park me and Ame relaxed for a bit eating popcorn and watching tangled with her....

Suddenly I woke up by a noise and saw that dad was already home and both of us girls fell asleep while watching the movie. Dad was trying to set the table without making much noise but he didn't know that I was already up and went toward the kitchen.

I went towards him and offered to help ..he smiled at me and said to wake up Ame .

I went and did what I was told to do and after that ate the dinner . finishing I helped dad with the dishes and asked ' Dad when are we leaving tomorrow morning ?' .

' Around 8am after we have our breakfast here sweetie.' dad said.

'Okay dad' I said and went to my room .

after changing into my pj's I opened my laptop and stared to see some random cooking videos ...few minutes later I closed the laptop as I wasn't able to keep my eyes open after that and fell asleep like a log....

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