Chapter 3

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Mayesha's POV :

I got up at 6 :30 am and went to the washroom and did my morning routine and got a nice hot shower and got dressed in my usual crop top , jeans and a denims jacket . There was one last box in my room containing toiletries , towels and some other stuffs . I took them to the car which was already packed with our last items . I smelled very nice foods and me being a hunger machine always I ran towards the kitchen and saw my sister already there sitting in the breakfast bar .

' Dad it smells sooo good here what did you make for breakfast ?'....

' Its my famous breakfast burrito ' dad continued.....

' Ohhhh wow my favourite breakfast ' .' Yaayyyyyy'....

' Yupp sissy my tooo' Ame said .

' Yeah and now lets eat and hit the road '...

' Yes kids we should hit the road fast ' dad told us .

We munched on our burritos happily and then washed the dishes and packed in the utensil box in the car . Me and Ame sat I the back a dad on the drivers seat along with a bag of snacks in the passenger seat . WE started our journey and said our last good byes to our home from last 5 years .

After passing a few minutes I started playing "I spy with my eyes " with Amelia .

'sissy I spy with my little eyes something turquoise ' Ame said excitedly...

I looked here and there and wasn't able to find something that was turquoise in colour and I was thinking what clould it be and at last I found out that it was my crop top .

'My crop top princess ?'...

' Yuppp sissy' she said with a popping sound of the p ..

After a long journey we stopped at a target and got some baq of chips and cookies along with some almond milk as my princess is lactose intolerant . We played some happy journey songs and jamed with it .

Skipping to the time they reached to their new house...

When we reached our house mom was standing in the porch and waiting for us . We cane out of the car and Ame being too excieted started to shout .

' Mommmyyyyyyy' Ame shouted...

' Ahh princess my damn ears are here '.....

' Sorry sissy but I am too excieted to see mommy ' she shouted .

' Yes I know princess '....

I hugged my mom and said to her

' Hi mom I missed you so much , I love you so much ' .

' I love you too my baby ' mom said

'And me ?' Ame said while pouting

' I love you too my little girl' mom told while laughing .

' NOW babies lets go inside and see the house and your new rooms and after that we will have our family dinner , by the way your brother is making the dinner tonight'.....Mom said while walking toward the house.

Time skipped after the whole trip

Okay so now our house has 5 bedrooms one for me , one for ame opposite to mine , J's room is down the hall from mine and a library / office in the second floor . The master bedroom , and the guest bedroom, kitchen , pantry , laundry room, living and dining area along with a small patio was in the first floor and a play room / family room and the garage for three cars were in the ground floor .

After dinner I checked my phone and saw that I can't start my school from the next day as it was closed due to the 122nd annual day of the school . Then I remembered that we have to buy our stuffs for school and as all of us don't have anything tomorrow then we can go for shopping . I went to our parents bedroom .

' Mom , dad I don't have school for next two days and neither the other two so can we go for our back to school shopping tomorrow and day after that can I go to the public library down the road as I need few book to read?'...

' Sure girl you can and take some money from me in the morning okay ' dad told me ..

my mom just noded her head and gave the permission to go out...

I went to my sisters room where she was playing tea party with J

'Hey princess , am I not invited in your tea party ?' I said pouting..

' No sissy you are invited , come and sit beside me and play ' she said happily...

' okay princess , but listen both of you we are going out tomorrow for our back to school shopping and I am going to the library before that okay.'.....

'Yeah that's fine and I need a book , I'll send you the name of the book please bring it from the library ?' Jacob said requesting ..

' Yeah sure you send me the name and the author of the book '.....

' Bye everyone and good night , night princess'....

' Good night sissy ' she said .

'Night ' j said....

I came back to my room changed into my pjs and started decorating my room. We all have separate washrooms in this house . I have a small walk in closet and I love it . I decorated my room with my books , laptop , stationaries , my guitar , music system , the dresser with few makeup items as I really suck in it and some of my favourite soft toys and also fairy lights.

After doing all the work I was soo tired that I just plugged my phone to the charger and also my laptop and set the alarm for 4:30 am . It was already 11:22 pm and I wanted to sleep so I went to my bed and fell asleep immediately.

I woke up to a nightmare where my bio father is abusing and beating me and I am just crying trying to save myself . I sat up on my bed and wiped my tears off my face and looked towards my clock . It was only 4:10am and I was already up so I went and did my morning routine and got dressed to go for a run . I took my phone and my headphones and went down stairs . I saw my brother war sitting on the couch in the living room , his head hung low as if he was stressing . I went towards him and sat down in the floor in front of him .

'What happened J are you not feeling well ? Are you having any problems , why are you sitting over here so early , Are you stressed?'...' You know you can tell me na'....

' yeah May I know its just that Emily called ...' he said

'Okay now what did she say ?''

' She said that the long distance won't work out for us and she was being a complete b*tch and said that we are done I just feel like I have wasted 2 yrs for her . I really ditched my friends for her and you know what every freaking time each thing should be about her and nothing for me you know what I am really done now but I don't have any friends now I am such a stupid person.....' he said .

'You had the most amazing friends bro and if you say a sorry to them they will forgive you and few of them are here in California so you can meet them and hangout with them on the other hand Emily is actually a b*tch as she was cheating on you last few weeks and she just being a manipulating person tried to give all the responsibility on you and if all these don't workout then you have your nerd of a sister '...

'Yes you are right and I know that I have you by my side always and that's why I love you the most , okay now what the hell are you doing over here now?'.... J said....

' Actually I had a nightmare and I cant sleep any more but you go to sleep and also I am going for a run in the park nearby okay bye .'...

I said and ran away to my run

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