a loud blond

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shoto ran.

he ran as fast as he could.

did he know where he was going?

absolutely not.

his head hurt.

his stomach hurt.

his chest hurt.

he knew endeavor was an asshole but he had promised.

he was holding on to that promise for a while so why now?

how had he knowm about what happened in school, in the stalls specifically.

shoto realized a few months ago that non of his classmates had the same idea about romance and love, he realized he never saw anyone in a way that wasnt platonic, he had never wished to kiss or be kissed, he never had the butterflies in his stomach or the blushes one gets.

shoto had heard stories about love and how amazing it was supposed to feel but what if he wasnt made for that feeling, he was scared his life would turn out to be just a continuous senarios filled with misery until he died.

what if without love he had absolutely nothing to live for or to look forward to? what was he going to do by then?

so, he did the most sane thing he could think of. he went and  grabbed sero and yanked him to the stalls. he looked straight to his eyes and said "im going to kiss you" to which sero replied with a lopsided grin and a nod in agreement.

so shoto did that. he kissed him, cupped the others face gently, the other had his hands on his waist and moved just like shoto, as if they had rehearsed the kiss.

after he pulled away he said "fuck" and apologised to sero who just looked at him weidly "sorry" he said quickly.

to which sero replied by asking about what was going on and shoto explained. sero just laughed, but shoto didnt find it funny he was terrified.

"dude relaxe, im ace too. its not the end of the world youre fine."

shoto nodded and they left the stalls and started talking about something completely different and acted as if the kiss never happened. shoto was glad that it was put out of the table.

friday night, it was 8:30 and shoto didnt know where to go, he sat on a bus bench knowing that he didnt even have money to get on the bus. he just sat down thankful for his quirk and rested his eyes for a while. he probably shouldnt have gone to sleep but he was tired, so tired.

as he woke up he realized he had been full on asleep and that he had messed up, certainly if he was sitting on a bench at-

what time was it?

he took out his phone from his back pocket, where it had rested since the beginning of the shit show. he noticed the cracked up screen and the messed up visuals as he turned on his phone. he cursed under his breath in annoyance at how stupid and idiotic the whole story was. how much of an idiot he was to believe that endeavor was a changed man.

he noted that it was 1:14 in the morning and that he had to move.

He got up again and started walking again. school wasnt for another two days and he  questioned if he was relieved or scared because he would have to be homeless until he gets to talk to someone, which would definately suck but he knew he had to.

he grazes his hands on the marks left by his father and winces as he placed his fingers as delicately as he could. tears threaten fall down his cheeks but they dont. he was unable to cry, unable to feel, he felt numb. so numb and tired and sad and- and he felt pain.

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