late night talks and internships

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"oh hello" shoto says. it was two in the morning and katsuki was back from his date with eijirou, now his clothes were messier than earlier and shoto smirks knowing that they did something stupid.

no answer. shoto knew better than saying hello after pissing someone off. he looked at bakugo's movements carefully trying not to flinch. he knows bakugo would never hurt him but the idea of angry and pain being bound to be together was still engraved in his brain. shoto didnt show it but he was terrified.

"wow giving me the silent treatment"

"im not giving you shit"

"come on, what did i do"

"youre lying. all the fucking time, youre basically living here you can at least be frank with people."


"dont fucking apologise tell me why you had a handprint on your neck"

"I told you it was-"

"you couldnt have put makeup the same day you got it, you were running away. its a fresh print its not like makeup is magic it still shows if you look closely"

"i cant"

"why not"

"if i do it means that its real and its going to suck even more and i dont know"

"whats going to suck, did you meet endeavor again?"


"then what"

"i cant"

"is someone going to hurt you like right now and try to kidnap you?"

"not that i know of"

"then fuck it, fine" he says and plopps down  next to shoto his back against the air matress as he stares at the wall.

"so how was it"

"i was the one who planned of course it was great"

"thats good"

"youre a piece of shit todoroki"

"first of, i know. second, dont call me todoroki ew, just insult me or call me by my name im sure were past that. did i tell you that im aware of my shittiness?"

"yeah good thing youre aware, giving me a headache"

"so you do care"

"i never said that"

"people who dont care dont get headaches about something they have no interest in"

"fuck off" bakugo turns to face shoto and shoto can barely see his featuresnin the dark room but by the way the air around them thickened shoto knew something that he wouldnt want to talk about was about to be adressed. "why didnt you tell me you were ace?"

"word goes around fast"

"thats besides the point"

"i dont know actually, i was probably scared."

"im literally gay"

"yeah i wasnt scared from you, idiot" shoto laughs "i was scared for it to be true"


"i dont have the best of backrounds so i wanted to have someone i love and a pet and a kid to show dear old father im much better then he ever was. but its a fantasy, it wont happen because i dont find the point in love, i dont look at someone and feel like i want to kiss them and keep them close. i never had that. here you are going on dates  so telling me itll be fixed with age wont work. it sucks. im always going to end up alone and i figured that if i saud it out loud it would make it true."

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