Chapter 3

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"Today we are talking about auditions for the talent show sponsored by a tiptop regal school called Juilliard. Only the most talented singers, dancers, actors, and instrumentalists get into that university. If you win the talent show with one of those categories they might even offer you a scholarship." My choir teacher says handing us all one by one a sign up sheet.

Adam raises his hand and Mrs. Deriah calls on him. "What if your dad is like an amazing singer and famous." Adam smiles looking at me I grin. "Well if you show the judges your as good as your father then they will pick you. In this competition they do not pick favorites based on things not related to their act." she replies.

"Well shoot that counts me and Ethan here out." Adam says nudging me laughing. I smile at him. Mrs. Deriah crosses her arms and looks at us. "And who may your fathers be?" she asks.

"Zayn Malik and Harry Styles from the famous band one direction." he says doing jazz hands. Her eyes and face softens. "Oh." she says. "Yea your new that's why you probably didn't know that we're their sons." Adam says nodding.

I wonder where Hannah is. She said she would be here. I look around the medium sized room of people and don't see her anywhere. That's when I hear the door open from the front of the room.

I turn around and see her. "I'm so sorry for being late." She apologizes. "It's ok we haven't started just yet." Mrs. Deriha says handing her a sign up sheet. She plops down in the seat beside me and smiles at me.

She reads the paper and her eyes go wide. "You should sign up" I whisper to her. "I'm not that good. You haven't even heard me yet." she says nervously. "I bet your great." I say.

"Now that, that is taken care of let us begin class." Mrs. Dreiha says.

It was almost her turn to sing! Then time was up! Darnit! I really wanted to hear her. We were singing little solos and it was so close to being her turn.

Everyone piles out of the room. Hannah starts grabbing her things but I stop her. "Maybe if I sing you won't be so uncomfortable singing to me." I suggest.

"I don't know." she says rubbing her arm. "Come on it'll be fun." I smile grabbing her hand and taking her to the piano. "I'll sing a song that you will hopefully know and you can just join in." I say softly laying my fingers on the piano.

I start hitting the notes for 'All of Me' by John Legend. I look at her and smile she blushes.

I start singing the song and by the second chorus she finally joins in and her voice is beautiful. Like something I've never heard before. Just incredible.

Once the song is over. We just both sit there looking each other in the eyes. She pecks me on the cheek and hurries out the door.

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