2. Shiqing left

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As soon as Xiao Wanza slept, he went silently to study. He took out the pages from her desk in which they both wrote together, his name Mei Shiqing for the first time. He ordered Siheng, his army commander who always stays with him and serves him to keep them safely with his luggage. A smile comes to his serious face when he remembers how for the first time he tricked her and got close.

He decided to remain in his study to not even give a slight hint to Xiao Wanza that what was he up to. He chose to leave without informing Xiao Wansa. At late night, he asked Siheng to call Xiao wansa 's maid Quioyun.

He said sternly, "Take care of Xiao wanza very nicely, make sure anything which she wished must be fulfilled instantly. I might not be here for few days meanwhile provide all her favorite delicacies to all sweets before she demands right at the moment."

His care and worries behind his stern voice were clearly seen by them. He continued,

" Don't wake her up until she wakes on her own and then informs her about my leave-taking."

He strictly ordered her not to give her any instinct before he leaves. Quioyun bowed her head and asked in a low voice,

"My lord, when you will be back..? My lady, would surely ask.."

He smirked and said, " Not need to worry, this time she won't..."

Siheng and Quioyun were hell surprised by his answer. They were understanding that something was definitely not good between them.

Quioyun soon left them. That night he didn't go to his room, he spent the entire night in the study and in the early morning left the Mansion.

The next morning, when Xiao Wanza woke up, she did not find Shiqing on his bed. While turning her head, she felt the pain due to his bite. She got up and started searching for Shiqing in the entire room. She checked everywhere but she could not find him.

She took her bath, got freshen up, and saw Quioyun coming with breakfast. Xiao Wanza asked,

"Why did you only bring for Shiqing, am I supposed to get no food for the morning?"

"My lady, my lord has left the mansion early in the morning..." She informed her right away.

"What? When will he come back, Quioyun?"

"We have no information, regarding that..." She said in a worried state.

"Is everything fine between you two?" She asked in curiosity.

"All good, don't worry.." She said in distress.

"As long as you did not cross the line, I need not worry, Xiao Wanza."

Saying so, she left her for taking breakfast. Xiao Wanza was remembering his last words.

"If after living these many days with me, you still not get what's in my heart then... I'm not going to face you again."

She was trying to reason out his sudden leaving. Maybe he didn't like her pushing him away. He might have taken it in his pride and then decided to stay away by leaving her all alone in Mansion.

She was thinking that she had no idea when he will get back. She was wondering what if he doesn't come back?

There Shiqing was heading towards Miltary base camp, while in his horse, he was only in thoughts of Xiao Wanza. Few months before, how innocently she made her only space in his heart was quite mystical for him. He remembers the day when he started falling for her when she saved him from the punishment given by his father and took a stand for him.

He very well knows how much she is innocent and naive. He admires her brains more than beauty. She helped him many a time in saving him and getting the information about illegal salt sellers. But what made him more scared is the more she will get into it, the more it would be unsafe for her. Last morning, what happened was never planned to be.

He just thought to clear the things off but what she replied made him lose all his sanity. He just became so furious for not seeing her for some days that he literally forced himself to her, the more he thinks of it, the more he faces difficulty in dealing with it so he finally decides to get away from her for some days.

When he reached his tent for resting, first of all, he himself kept those pages next to his bedside. He took no longer time to fall asleep as he was very tired of a long journey. Shiqing led his entire days in making the army well trained and armed under his guidance. One night, Siheng came to him and gave him, a package that just came from the mansion.

It had some good nutritious food that could be preserved for a long time along with a good amount of dry fruits but he could not get anything more out of it that could be sent by Xiao Wanza. The moment he came to know it was sent by his stepmother, he instantly ordered to throw all of them because he did not have a little faith in his namely mother. He wished if all these could be sent by Xiao Wansa to him, one day.

Days for Xiao Wanza were also not delightful as she doesn't enjoy eating tasty food. Now, the chirpy and noisy Xiao Wanza has turned more quiet like a lady. She eats less, talks less, and dresses more decently.

She no longer went out since the day Shiqing left the mansion. Each day when she wakes up, she looks on his bed in hope of finding him on his bed but it remains cold as it was earlier. Xiao Wanza was deeply affected by Shiqing's sudden leave-taking.

Two months, passed like that. Now, Xiao Wanza felt how it feels like to be a lady. She thought a commoner in the city is much more happy and lucky as he has his whole family together but a royal family has some gains, benefits, and losses of being separately living for a long time without each other.

She felt it would be better if she could get married to a commoner, maybe Shiqing was too good for her to cherish. Now, even when will he be back is also not known to her. She was thinking while moving towards the garden that she needs to do something to get him back!

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