4. Filthy games

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Xiao Wansa went away outside the mansion all alone while thinking how complicated her life has become. After a long time, she decided to have Wonton in order to cheer up her mood.

She was thinking that Mei Shiqing loves Rou, he even doesn't trust her and now, news of her pregnancy has spread across the Mansion, the more she thinks about it, the more complex, it becomes to deal with it later.

When Xiao Wanza was lost in deep thoughts, Situ Lin, the head of the Chamber of Commerce coincidentally, saw her and sat on adjacent seat at same table. When he ordered Wonton for himself then Xiao Wanza came out of her thoughts and recognized him. He said out of worry,

"You seem a little sad, whats the matter?"

"Nothing brother Situ, It's just that life is never simple." She just shared her thoughts in general.

"True, but if you go on solving the problems one by one, then you will be able to make it simple for you."

Xiao Wanza was relating his advice to her problems. She thanked him by saying,

"You are right Situ Brother, One at a time." 

He smiled and said, " Now have your Wonton, it will become cold then..."

When she came back, she had the mindset to solve all her problems but hardly did she knew another was waiting for her.

Quioyun called her from back while she was going to her room,

"Lady Yingao, General Mei is calling you now.."

"What could be the matter, I m afraid if he could have got to know your real identity that you are Xiao Wanza and are not the princess Yingao..." She expressed her fear.

"Don't worry, take it easy. Let me go and see..." She calmed her down and went carefreely.

Quioyun sensed that something is not right because General Mei never calls Yingao alone, she always used to accompany the lord Shiqing. She called another maid and asked to inform Lord Shiqing to reach there as soon as possible.

Xiao Wanza had no idea that she would be questioned on her character. Shiqing came there in the right moment to save her. 

Shiqing said, "My wife has  full freedom to meet anybody and have food outside besides that Xiao Wansa always told me each time, she met Situ Lin."

He glared at her stepmother and said, "How can she date stealthily if she eats with him in public?"

"Enough, both of you. Yingao, for next time, don't go alone better send someone to get food for you from outside." General Mei commanded.

 Xiao Wanza nodded and thereafter, Shiqing grabs her shoulder firmly and got her out of the room. While going back, Xiao Wanza said while sobbing,

"I have not done anything wrong, Shiqing.  Trust me, give me punishment if you want."

"How can I punish someone who is innocent?" He tenderly looked at her. He continued,

" I know besides me no one is there in your heart." He smirked and left her path.

She nods to him before he leaves and then goes to the garden to have little solitude. While sitting near cherry blossom trees, she was again wondering that she loves Shiqing but he doesn't love her, he loves Rou.

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