Chapter 1

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I look once again at my outfit, I’m in a black sweat pants and blue sweat shirt, I’m not going into details about my look because its make me sob. I look once again at my wrapped breasts and sigh in relief. Another day of horrible school, I attend Almond High School thank heavens today is Friday; after my father “died” my mom relocated and found the love of her life. Mr. Smith who I’ve actually come to love, I dash out of my room heading towards the lovely kitchen. My parents are rich but obviously I don’t show off my wealth. I’m more of the silent girl who doesn’t care about anything.
‘Hey mom’ I mutter kissing her cheeks, she frowns looking at me, I do not look anything like my mom and dad and for some time my father started doubting my mother’s faithfulness.
I mean they actually did a DNA test to prove I was genetically associated with the hell of a man I called my father
‘Hi honey’. She says looking at how badly I dressed I wore on a wig and contacts just to look ugly. Truth be told I had white hair and purple eyes
I mean what kind of girl has those two combinations? And with what I am my weird mind reading ability mixed with some other thingy. I have come to an agreement
I am a witch
I mean that’s the only acceptable reason I could come up with, I climb on my motor bike putting on my helmet
Yes I ride a bike not a scooter, I love that type of thing, after riding for 15 minutes I see a familiar building.
I can’t wait for school
Note the sarcasm
Like anyone likes school, I enter the hallway smiling oddly.
People get that I’m ugly but I just like showing off my ugliness
‘Angel’. I hear a bitter voice say, I turn back to see who it is this time. Oh the new jock Cameron
‘Just wanted to know how your mom can give such a name to an ugly bitch like you?’ he spits honestly
‘‘My father is a bitch and he named me’ I say with every bit of seriousness, my father truly is a bitch

Ryan’s POV’s
‘My father is a bitch and he named me’ Smith says with every bit of seriousness, I smile looking once again at her. She was what the boys would say “Flat” she also was ugly and she looked happy that way, I mean there re ways to get beautiful, dye your hair blonde and makeup
There are something I don’t get about life.
‘Hey dude’. Sam says snapping me out of my trance
‘Let’s head to class’. I mutter looking once again at the girl named ‘Angel’
‘There’s something off with Angel’. I say to my friends, I have 2 apparently Sam and Alex
‘Nothing is wrong except for her ugliness’. Alex mutters chuckling at his own joke
That’s if it’s really a joke

‘Guys let’s play truth or dare’.  Sam mutters drunk
‘Kk’. We all mutter, after school we are having a party while the parents are upstairs discussing about stuff. I wasn’t drunk yet though
‘Ryan truth or dare’, Alex asks as the bottle points to I and him
‘What’s with you and that Angel girl you seem taken by her?’ he slurs
‘I just find her interesting’. I say truthfully
‘Hump, truth or dare’. Sam asks Alex
‘Do you actually like Venus? I saw you staring at her’.
‘Yeah I do. Truth or dare?’
‘Jeez dare?’ I mutter
‘I dare you make Angel fall hard for you and when I mean I mean maybe she should say the I love you words and have s*x with you’. Sam says smirking
‘Have that with the bitch? She’s as flat as a board but I’ll get her to say I love you. No doubt she’ll start drooling at the sight of me’

Angel's POV
I walk through the door sighing, I had an appointment with the therapist today and it was just so annoying those guys trying to make you puke your feelings out. I’ve never and will never tell my therapist what I actually feel.
‘Hey Mr. Malory’ I greet smiling
‘Oh hey angel, I seriously want you to start taking these lessons of yoga. It calms people. How was your day?’ he asks handling me a paper
‘Actually today was nice just like any other day’. I lie badly, I hate life but I’m not stupid enough to commit suicide
‘Really we do the same thing every time and you end up throwing cuss at me and telling me to fuck myself. Angel I’m just trying to help you face the trauma. It’s been 2 years Angel two whole years and you’ve never told anyone what happened that night’. Mr. Malory sighs frustrated
‘Nothing happened I repeat that concern any one of you dimwits happened so actually go fuck yourself and don’t expect me to come back here again’. I say walking out before slamming the door. I climb down the stairs angrily before hopping on my bike. I get home in less than 11 minutes before angrily entering the house.
‘Mom I’m home, and yes therapy was great’. I shout as my mom descends from the magnificent stairs
‘Honey we are going to a dinner party’. My mom says studying my expression
As bad as I want to ditch the party I know better than to upset my mom
She gets mad when angry
And I mean mad
‘Okay mom but do not complement on my dressing you know better’. I mumble heading to my room
Looking at how my mom is dressed I decide to wear a black flared gown and black hoodie. I put the casual horrible makeup and wig before heading downstairs
Truth be told no one cn see my face so my mom looking at my gown will be satisfied.
Looks like I have a party to go to.

HEY it's my first story so please comment and vote.

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