Chapter Seven

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I smile as I look at my presents, It is my birthday and I'm clocking 15, Xavier is by my side grinning as he gives me his present, it's a small box as I open it, I grasp smiling at it, it's a long heart shaped necklace with both our picture in it

'It looks pretty expensive, I love it but you could have bought me a bear I wouldn't mind' I say kissing his cheeks

'My baby deserves the best' he says bringing a bear out

OMG, the very same one that I eyed in the shop that day

'Mr. Cuddles' I say hugging the bear

'Babe, I'm going to the toilet' He says smirking, I leave his laps standing up to go to the main room where everyone is, suddenly wet stuff pour on me making me glare at the person

'Amanda' I mutter storming off, I enter the bathroom ripping off my birthday gown before heading to the showers

I come out fully dressed before seeing him


I shoot up from the bed sweating all over, I clutch the necklace Xavier gave me crying, it'll always be there to taunt me, I am a monster who doesn't deserve to live. I grab my gun from under the pillow afraid he'll come for revenge.

I made him a monster, if I had just calm down maybe a lot of people wouldn't have died that day. Suddenly the door swings open making me scared, I close my eyes for a while before putting my shit together, I raise my gun to see a hooded figure, as I pull back the switch I'm about to shoot when a familiar voice screams

'Shit Angel?' River says removing his hoodie, I sigh in relief happy he wasn't the one

'Sorry?' I say unsure of what to do in this awkward situation

'So whatcha doing here?' I ask

'Oh so we are going to ignore the fact that you have a gun in your hand?'River asks

Today is Saturday and I thought no one is at home, weird way to talk to him first

'It's fake, it's just red paint ball that was why would I have a real gun?' I say chuckling nervously, I remembered my face didn't have much makeup, I only put the wig on so I quickly ducked under the sheets to avoid him seeing me.

'Well mom said I should tell you to come down for breakfast and no you can't miss it, she said you've not been eating lately, anyway I'll leave to freshen up what you call makeup'. River says leaving the room, I sigh as I enter the bathroom to freshen up, I put on a black top with white jeans before wearing my violet cardigan. I do the usual makeup my face feeling heavy.

For how long am I going to keep this façade?

I go down to the dining room to see all of the Stones seated on one table

'Good morning Aunt R' I say sitting down, I put rice in my plate and a little sauce before eating

'Angel why don't you guys go to the dry cleaning store to get my clothes?' Aunt R says chuckling nervously, I sigh nodding my head


'Let's go' Ryan says entering the car, I enter sighing

I've been sighing a lot today, river this time is sitting at the back with me, which is really awkward


'So' River says

'Okay this is just awkward, why on earth will mom just say we should go get her clothes?' Ryan reasons

'Whatever' I mutter putting my head phone on, the ride goes smoothly until someone decided to touch my face

'Makeup' River mutters smiling

Ugh I hate this, if he does this every time it'll take no time for him to figure things out.

'Um guys you can go I um have to go buy something'. Ryan stops the car near the mall so I used this opportunity to refill my supplies, I was running out of makeup. I thankfully had my debit card so I told the boys where I was going.

After buying everything I needed, I went to eat with the twins I felt so uncomfortable maybe because I knew what Ryan was planning and River was trying to figure me out.

'So how are your hot friends?' River asks probably referring to Eve, Eva and Evan.

'Oh, they're alright'. I reply shortly, I really didn't want to engage myself in a conversation with them.

'Angie, there's this party tomorrow I won't mind taking you as my date'. Ryan says, I really want to slap Ryan on his face, he keeps acting as if he's doing me a favor, I knew the party he was talking about, Eve invited me so I was going either way.

'I don't want to be your date Ryan and someone else has invited me, oh my name is Angel not Angie'. I replied taking a sip of my smoothie looking at my phone, I wasn't doing anything on it but scrolling on it just to avoid having a conversation with them. The feeling that someone was talking to you just because of a dare was nauseous.

I really wanted to hit him.
I'm sorry it's short, I'll update on Monday. Please like and comment.
It makes my day

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