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❝ return of lil' red ❞

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❝ return of lil' red ❞

· · ─────── · 𖥸· ─────── · ·

it happened around seven, the sun not yet dipping below the shadowy horizon.

jungkook toyed absentmindedly with the keys of his keyboard, playing light melodies that ended up breaking off in ugly, off tune screeches. but he was too lost in thought too really care, the previous afternoon's events on replay in his head. he couldn't rid himself of the memory of your touch, his skin still burning feverishly where your fingers had pressed greedily into it. the phantom of your lips caressed his neck and shoulders, ghosting over his raw-bitten mouth, sending violent shivers down his spine.

he couldn't stop it, couldn't stop the thought of you from breaking into his skull, from sledgehammering it's way through tough bone and thick grey matter and into his unwilling consciousness.

he was overwhelmed, a terrible, depraved heat creeping beneath his skin every time he remembered how you had corrupted him. but perhaps that was unfair, placing all the blame for his debauched actions solely on you. he had been an extremely willing and enthusiastic participant.

there was something very wrong with him.

it felt like there was a ticking time bomb in his chest, ready to explode and take out him and anyone else within a ten meter radius. it was dangerous. but there was something strangely... thrilling about it.

jungkook swallowed down the sudden thickness lodged in his throat, hands lifting to cup his suddenly burning cheeks.

"get a grip." he muttered roughly to himself. it was an impossible thing to ask of himself, especially where you were concerned. you and your taunting gaze. you and your seductive mouth, always pulled into that lethal little smirk that made his head feel dizzy. you— you!

the keys screamed as he slammed his palms down on them harshly, suddenly breathless.

what the hell were you doing to him? what were you doing to his head? creeping your way inside and stirring up his brain until it was little more than useless mush. it was confusing and maddening and he couldn't seem to keep up with his own emotions anymore.

gritting his teeth, jungkook forced himself to move away from the poor, abused keyboard.

he needed a nap. maybe that would help to clear up some of the white noise buzzing around like annoying flies in his head.

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