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❝ last minute plans ❞
—— • ——

maybe you shouldn't have done that.

it had already been a week. a week without a word, a text, a call— nothing. and he sure as fuck hadn't been answering yours. he'd been doing a damn good job making quite certain that your paths did not cross.

jungkook was in full on avoidance mode after your little... interaction.

you couldn't find it in yourself to blame him. you knew it was mean, not stopping things with baekhyun even after realizing that he was watching. he wasn't very subtle about it, you caught on to his peeping in about five minutes. and sure most people would consider him the weirdo for watching you get it on, but you could've at least closed the damn curtains.

shit, why did you even care?

your sex life outside of your 'thing' with jungkook wasn't really any of his fucking concern. as long as you were safe, you really couldn't see how it mattered.

but... jungkook's persistent, deliberate avoidance was beginning to make it glaringly clear that it did, in fact, matter. to him, at least.

you spared a scathing glance at your discarded phone, the temptation to call him swelling into something large and undeniable inside of your chest. but, he'd already made a point of ignoring your previous three calls. would it seem desperate if you tried for a fourth? even your shameless ego had its limits.

fuck it.

before you could pussy out, you snatched your phone from floor, almost face planting in the process, quickly jabbed in jungkook's number and held your breath as the dial tone rang through your room. it rang once... twice... three times... four times...

he's not gonna pick up, is he?

your shoulders slumped, thumb hovering over the end call button as you began to accept defeat—


the unexpected voice caught you so off guard that your thumb accidentally slipped and ended the call. "wait, fuck!" you yelped, quickly calling him back.

he picked up again after a few stressful seconds. "y/n?" jungkook's soft, confused voice came through the speaker, and you let out a breath of relief.

"hey, sweet thang." you drawled, trying your best to play it cool and casual despite the spike in your pulse.

"what's up?"

"oh, you know, the usual. chillin'. mom's out of town visiting her sister so I have the house to myself for the weekend. which is... fun. what uh— what about you?"

"I'm at the grocery store. dad's decided that he's actually going to cook dinner tonight. yay." he said, faux enthusiasm dripping from his tone. you couldn't help the grin that tugged at your mouth. you missed his voice. ew, what? missed his voice? what, are you twelve?

"ooo papa jeon cookin' up something good?"

"doubt it. he's probably just gonna burn the shit out of some poor chicken and we'll end up ordering pizza for the hundredth night in a row." he said. you giggled lightly, picturing namjoon accidentally starting a house fire in an attempt to make a good old fashion sit down dinner.

"did you call for a reason, y/n?" jungkook asked bluntly, catching you off guard.

you blinked. oh, okay, straight to the point. "uh, yeah. well— yes," you cleared your throat, willing yourself to have a little fucking courage, "I wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to, I don't know, hang out tonight... or something."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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