2~ Returned

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"Keep the cuffs on her. You may leave" my father spoke to the policemen who had escorted me here. The one who had driven here placed my skateboard and bag at my feet before taking his leave, the other right behind him.

Once they were gone I turned to my father. "5 minutes.." he mumbled. "Not even 5 minutes and your already getting into trouble!" I nearly flinched at how loud he shouted, but I stood my ground.

"It's not my fault cops seem to be so attracted to me!" I shot back. "And not to mention they had to escort me.." I mumbled but he didn't hear. The cuffs were really starting to hurt, they were cutting into my skin. My father scowled, "I see what your mother meant.." he spat while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Oh please. You can't possibly believe everything that old bitc-" I was cut of by Shouta giving me his erasure-head glare. His deep black hair floated above his head as his eyes glowed a bright red. Lucky I had his quirk too, so I did it straight back to him. My lighter black hair hovered above my head as my eyes changed from a deep black to a bright red. Since our quirks were almost identical they cancelled each other out. So we were just in a Mexican stand off with no bullets.

While he was focused on my face I grabbed the bobby-pin that was in the back pocket of my jeans because I was always prepared, and began to pick the lock on the cuffs. I could feel the class staring at my movements. Once my hands were free I opened my mouth to talk. "I didn't want to come here. Just remember that."

"I didn't even know you were coming! Imagine my surprise when my daughter casually struts into my classroom unannounced, while I'm teaching, with two policemen by her side!" He seethed. The class gasped.

"And" he continued "not to mention when I got a call from your mother telling me what you've been up to for the past 3 years! Your my daughter!How did you turn out like.. like this!" He waved his hands at me.

"You just gestured to all of me!" I raised my perfectly shaped eyebrows at him. He stayed silent not saying another word. "Ok.." I started, breaking the silence "you wanna play the victim? You wanna act like I'm like this because I chose to be? Where were you 2 years ago? When I needed someone? Where were you when I was little? Oh yeah! That's right you chose your job over your own daughter, leaving me with that woman." I was ranting by now.

My cuffs were off and I threw them at him. I was getting angry, furious and it was showing. My father looked like he would snap any second. "Where were you when Sako died?!" I cried out. This caught him off guard and he finally snapped.

"HE DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!" He screamed. My fists were clenched by my sides, my throat felt dry. I felt sick. He was right, it was my fault but.. hearing it out loud just.. hurt. So, I kicked up my skateboard and caught it swiftly before making my way over to the door. "Your not my father. You never were. I won't be around for a while so don't bother looking for me." I chuckled bitterly. "not that you would anyway.. goodbye Shouta." And with that I left.


I needed something to do to get my mind off of that asshat. Tears welled up in my eyes but I forced them away. No way was I going to cry over something stupid like this. I'd gotten over Sako's death so why was this bothering me so much. Maybe it's because after 6 years the first conversation or well argument I have with my father is about the past.

I spent hours exploring my new home. It was already dark and an idea popped into my head. I made my way over to somewhere I thought one would be and sure enough, around 100 people were there, surrounding modified cars and stacks of cash were being thrown around. The smell of gasoline and exhaust smoke filled the air.

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