Chapter Four: The School Bus

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I walked around the big pink room looking at all of the small objects that were on the bookshelf. On the wall there was a big board that displayed pictures. One picture was of a girl with long brown hair that got lighter at the edges, she had big hazel eyes that looked back at you. It must be nice to be a human. From the corner of my eye I saw something light up, I walked over to the light and saw a square object that had an apple logo on it. What's this? I picked it up and immediately it started buzzing and playing some weird tune. I slid the green arrow and put the device to my ear. " Hello, who is this?" Relievingly I hear Sabrina's voice, " Abagail can you believe it! We're humans!" She squeals. " but now what?" I answer " ya, it feels pretty awesome to be a human but are we going to be here for the rest of our lives? I mean I already miss my pet unicorn cooper." " So if we can call eachother does that mean that we have the same names? Where are we? Who's body are we in?" I have so many questions that float around in my mind. I here someone yell Sabrina's name on the other side of the line. "Sabrina the school bus is here!" " Sabrina what are you going to do?!" I shrieked " Just play along with it maybe will meet up halfway." She added before hanging up. Great! Now what! I decided I might as well go check out the place while I was in the human world. I walked down the hall passing by tons of doorways. Once I got to the end of the hall there was a large central area, two grand staircases lead to the next level of the house or should I say mansion. I walked into a room that looked like the kitchen and saw a girl reading a booklet that had teen vogue on it. She looked up at me in shock "Abagail! What are you doing? The school bus comes in like 5 minutes! Go get ready!" I wobbled back to my room and shut the door. There was another door in the corner of the room, I walked over to it and turned the handle. Inside was a huge chandelier lit up closet full of designer clothes. "Woah!" This family must be really rich. I picked out a pink blouse, white jeans and black flats. Grabbing the clutch backpack in the corner I ran out the door. I walked down the hall to the kitchen where the girl was just leaving out the door. "Finally your ready" She mumbled. I followed her out just in time to jump on to the giant yellow bus that stood before me.

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