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Running into the room I launched myself at my buzzing phone on the sofa to see Emily calling she was my best friend so I obviously answered,

"Hey Em what's up?"I asked turning over so I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling

"Hey!! When you leaving?"she asked about my trip to Italy well less of a trip and more of a business trip as I was doing a couple modelling shows there plus another project

"Hmm let me check!"I said and looked

"2 days (Tuesday)at...5:30am...5:30am!"I repeated in shock and sat up as she laughed

"You better get packing then!"she mocked and I sarcastically laughed and walked into my bedroom of my apartment

"Want to help?"I asked as I put her on FaceTime and leaned her against the windowsill and her face popped up and a mini me appeared in the corner of the screen as we began talking and debating on what I should take as I held up items and folded them into my case.

After about an hour I was fully packed and now lying starfish up on my bed as Em was talking about this guy she number into,

"Oh he so made a move on you...yes in the club that one time remember!"I said and heard her agree and we spoke for another hour while I started to make my pasta,

"Ok Em I love you but I've got errands to run tomorrow then a flight at 5:30 in the freakin morning the next day so I should probably go!!"I said eating some of it

"Yes ok well message me to keep me updated! Love you!"she replied

"Love you too!"I replied and smiled before hanging up and balling myself up on the sofa and turned on the Office and smiled as I finished off my food watching a couple more episodes before washing my bowl up and getting reading for bed slipping on a random shirt I hadn't packed and thrown my hair up doing my teeth then lifted my case awkwardly off my bed before slipping under the covers and falling asleep straight away as it was now 1:30am.

I woke up the next morning at 9am to my alarm and groaned rolling out of bed and straight into the shower before I got out and quickly did my teeth and threw on some jeans and a small top and dried my hair before rushing out the door as I had a nail appointment in 10 minutes then a hair appointment at 3.

Walking out my building I slid into my car thankful I hadn't bumped into paparazzi yet and I soon arrived at the nail bar and an hour later left with a fresh set of overly priced nails and headed off to a cafe to grab some lunch and a coffee which was very much needed so I got a sandwich and a coffee.

I had finished my food and was sipping through my coffee flicking through my phone checking flights and my runways and photo shoots etc in Italy when 2 teenage girls walked up to me,

"Y/n?"the blonde one asked and I looked up

"Yes!"I said with a smile

"Hey we are HUGE fans! Like I love your work so much!!"they said all excited making me smile

"Awwe your so sweet what's your names?"I asked

"Oh I'm Chloe and that's Mary!"the brunette replied

"C-could we get a picture?"Mary asked

"Of course!"I said standing up and leaned forward a bit with each of them while they each took their photo

"So how are you guys?"I asked as they were sweet plus I always tried to be nice to my fans

"Yes we're good just shopping!"Mary replied and I smiled and looked at my phone

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