Part 14 🌶

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We stumbled into the hotel not passing any paparazzi as it was now 1am and they had left and I had my arms completely wrapped around her as we drunkenly stumbled into the elevator and I desperately clicked the button making her giggle slightly as she looked at me and planted a kiss on her neck and I heard the doors close and I connected our lips again and squeezed her hips as we made out and I backed her into a corner,

"Jump!"I said between kisses and she did and I placed her onto the railings as our heads bobbed about against each others as I grabbed her legs and wrapped them around my waist making her smirk into the kiss as I began trailing my across her jaw and I heard a soft moan escape her lips as she scrunched onto mine I'm sure making my curls more prominent when the door dinged and I ripped myself away from her neck as a guy walked in maybe just slightly younger than us and I saw him look y/n up and down as I stood there heavy breathing

"Hey.."he said shooting his shot to her shocking me

"Hi?"she replied leaning against Mysore as I held her close

"Your gorgeous!"he said and I tended up anger shooting through my body which she definitely noticed

"Not half bad yourself!"she replied and I glared at her as he checked her out when the door dinged again and opened so I dragged y/n out with a smirk on her face


I smirked at my victory and smiled at myself containing my giggle as I watched Tom hand in mine as he pulled me towards the room and the alcohol I'm sure was kicking it because I couldn't help but This is gonna be a good night!
As Tom opened the door I could feel the jealousy radiate off him and I leant over him from behind and began kissing his neck and breathing in his ear

"Don't tease me!"he said almost fed up but I just giggled in response as the door opened and I slid past him walking in first with a smirk to see Haz and Ems bed and felt Tom's hand crawl over my hips and his head snuggle into my neck


"So-"he cut me off my smashing his lips on mine and turned my head to his with his hand on my neck gripping onto it slightly as the rest of my body turned to face him but he immediately picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him as his hands roamed over my bum and he walked over to the bed placing my against the side of it while kissing down my neck and across my collar bone I'm sure leaving marks and I knew where this was headed making me moan and grab his curls as he dropped to his knees on the floor and pressed me against Haz and Ems bed kissing over my dress but down my body then pulled it up leaving his hands behind me as he slid them under them hem of my tights and pulled them off with my heels as well. Not caring that if Haz and Em got back they would see what we were doing...against/on their bed...

His hands then traced all the way back up my legs and thighs as he kissed them making moans leave my mouth but I tried to bite them back when I felt him slide off my underwear with his mouth and not even a second later his head was buried in my causing me to be a moaning mess I had my left hand on the sheet gripping at it so hard my knuckles where white not caring it wasn't our bed and the other was trapped in his curls pushing his hand further into me somehow and I soon felt his fingers slip in making the pleasure unbearable as I could feel him moving in and out on me and I could feel my high rising as I moaned out and I felt him push in and out of me as my high peaked and I cursed under my breath releasing his hair as he re emerged from out of my dress licking his lips with a smirk.

Not a second later I leaned down and started kissing him not caring that I could taste me on him as I slid off of the bed and onto my knees with him so we were both up right making out as my hands started undoing his shirt buttons and he held my waist squeezing it but I slowly pushed him back so he was lying on the floor with his shirt now undone as I climbed onto him ad kissed his now bare chest and nipples venturing my way down as I undid his belt and trousers sliding them down soon followed by his boxers exposing how hard he is as I made out with his V making him groan and place his hand on the back on my hair before I slip further down and took him in my mouth bobbing it up and down on him as he cursed under his breath mixed with moans.

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