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Ayanokouji's POV.

Freedom. A year has gone by since I had escaped the facility where I remained alone with the help of Matsuo, my family's personal butler. Was it worth my time escaping the White Room's grasp? Despite being the remaining survivor, facing heavy pressure and expectations daily, I did not hate its existence, even though it was ripped from me. Not my emotions, mind you — it may be difficult to bring them up again, but they remained, muted and buried behind the facade that I created. What was stripped from me was the right to form a personality, experiencing emotional detachment for more than a decade.

The driving force behind my departure from the White Room was my unrestrained curiosity for the outside world. That man had taught me to understand the psychology behind peoples' behavior, but humans cannot simply be defined by logical means. Humans have been referred to as the unknown variable, taking nonsensical actions driven by either a multitude of factors or something simpler. He intends for me to become the leader of Japan, yet his methods are questionable. How can a leader who is out of touch with the masses convince them to follow his orders for a Japanese utopia?

However, that is his desire. Living his dream through me — is that what I want to do with the rest of my life? Combined with Matsuo's persuasion, my curiosity led me to acquiesce to his suggestion. However, despite all my abilities gained from the White Room  — unparalleled mental abilities and fortitude, advanced physical abilities, adaptability in favorable and unfavorable situations, sheer individuality — I knew I was not close to ready. I had to create another facade in order to survive in the hell called "high school". Drawing on my limited emotional capacity, I had to create a "personality" and be "normal". During my time in my father's mansion, I experienced just a taste of the mundane for once. Watching the Dragon Ball anime and the Star Wars trilogy, reading Yomawari-sensei; I knew I was comparable to a vulnerable maiden in the world of normalcy.

My eyes scanned the interior of the bus, observing the people within. The majority of the passengers were wearing school uniforms.

There was a fortunate elderly man who luckily found a seat a few rows ahead of my seat. A frustrated salary worker, impatiently tapping her feet and looking at her watch. A silver-haired girl reading a novel of which I could not perceive the name. How could she read on the bus without getting motion sickness? Truly an incredible girl.

Speaking of silver hair, there was a girl sitting next to me with hair a shade lighter, fiddling with her phone. For some reason, she had a pink tint on her face — perhaps texting her significant other? Or soon to be former, considering the total isolation from the outside world. It would be unlikely to keep a nonfamilial relationship when you will be forbidden from contacting them for three years. She caught my eye for a moment but quickly looked away.

The city bus had finally arrived at the students' destination. Luckily, there were two exits, so it would not be too difficult to get off the bus. I observed the bus etiquette from the students on the other seat in our row and imitated them, with the platinum-haired girl following me out of it. I turned my head to ask if she would like to walk with me, but she hurriedly speed-walked ahead of me.

"Mou, what's her problem?" I couldn't help but mutter. I had failed to make an acquaintance. It seems I am utter garbage at socialization. What sort of masterpiece fails? No wonder why my mother left me in that man's care, or rather, the lack of it.

I looked down before starting to walk again.

"Hey," a somewhat deep but feminine voice called out next to me. I stopped again and turned my head to the other side and got poked on the cheek.

"Wanna walk to school together?" A girl with rosy brown hair in a side ponytail asked. She had an appearance similar to one of the types of people I read about — a delinquent. However, it would be rude to make assumptions based on how people looked.

"Uh sure, let's," I replied. Perhaps I truly underestimated my extremely developed skills in social interaction. However, a supposed masterpiece never underestimates his opponent, who is also me.

We walked a relaxed gait towards the school. Both of us kept quiet, with me struggling to think of a topic to discuss. She finally decided to break the silence.

"Not good at social interaction, are you." It was not a question, but a statement. Gasp! She found out! A masterpiece should never be found out that easily. "Relax, I'm kinda the same y'know. Why did you decide to come to this school?"

I thought for a moment before answering, "I liked the aspect of freedom this place provides. It will be nice being independent of the family for a while." It was a partial truth.

"We're alike then. Being free to do whatever I want without the nagging of my parents is a dream. Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Nishino Takeko. Nice to meet ya!"

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. I'm in Class 1-C. You?"

"Another coincidence, then, Ayanokouji-kun."

"Coincidences can be freaky."


Author's Ramblings

Uh, confession time. I've been sick with undiagnosed acid reflux the whole summer vacation. I know I put up that reaction story like a month ago, but I just wasn't really in the mood to continue yet. Many of my plans were wrecked by the combination of the pandemic restrictions, my acid reflux getting pretty bad, and worrying about university. I wasn't able to get in shape after my injury from a few years prior, unable to find an internship or part-time job due to being sick, and lost hundreds of dollars due to doctor's appointments and incorrect medications. I'm also missing a lot of money I am supposed to receive in financial aid, so my bank account has run dry after purchasing the required textbooks and programs associated with classes.

Anyways, this is gonna be a Manabe Shiho x Ayanokouji Kiyotaka x Karuizawa Kei main pairing. I'm sorry but blame Rayson and his last chapter if you wish to find a scapegoat. I'm also following a self-made prompt,  What is better than Kei? Two Keis! Or a dead one, depending on the person. I was originally going to do Route B first, with a Himeno Yuki x Kiyopon pairing, but I ultimately decided to do Route C first due to an inspiration that will be seen in later chapters. Also yes, I came up with multiple story ideas that you won't be seeing anytime soon due to university stuff. I have to worry about Calculus and Accounting, among other classes.

Oh yeah, this will be somewhat slice of life for Kiyopon. He will be less invested in the conflict until the second year compared to the original. In addition, he'll have some friends early! And not the typical ones associated with Class C yet. Maybe our book buddy duo will meet earlier, but no promises.

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