Chapter 10

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Ryuuen's POV

"You—" I started to say but was cut off by a punch to the face, "Fucking shit, my nose!"

"Did you think I wouldn't notice you lacing my shit?" he asked. I pinched the bridge of my nose in an attempt to stem the blood flow. Blood leaked from my nose like a waterfall, staining my lips and palm crimson. The situation was dire. Komiya and Kondou were out cold, while both Ishizaki and I had taken serious amounts of damage from all the fights we got into.

I couldn't think of a way to get our asses out of this mess. This guy is aggressive and gets shit done as soon as possible, so I tried to buy some time and gather some forces before I faced him. I didn't expect him to track us down that quickly. There was only one way out — stalling for time. I couldn't contact Tokitou to inform him that my side of the deal has been completed like I meant to. I could only wait for Albert to track them down to this location. I felt blood coagulating in my throat, so I coughed it up, spitting the glob of blood onto the asphalt.

"I don't give a crap about what you noticed or not," I said, "I'll be the one taking over the class."

"Whatever you say doesn't matter. I'll just keep beating you again and again until you submit," he replied. He was on me in an instant and threw a left hook that made my ears ring, sending me tumbling. Fuck! I didn't expect him to be that strong.

"Ryuuen!" Ishizaki called out from behind. My vision went cloudy, but I could recognize him as he rushed towards me. We both heard a deafening snap, followed by stomps speedily heading towards our direction. I could only get up as quick as I could to meet them. Four of Oda's goons had charged us, and there was nothing we could do but defend ourselves.

Both Ishizaki and I faced two people at once, trading blows with both of them. Like a cornered rattlesnake, I started attacking them for my life. I would have to beat them in order to continue forward, else something even worse could happen. I threw several hook and jab combinations towards one, causing one of them to stagger a bit, but the other was relentlessly attacking me from the side. I couldn't keep taking all these hits due to the sustained damage from the Kousetsu Fam. The outcome was inevitable. Both Ishizaki and I had lost; Ishizaki was slumped over against the wall, while I was spread-eagled and struggled to get up. However, they weren't unscathed. One of the goons had been knocked down, while the other three had several bruises. It took a lot of willpower, but I could just manage to get back up after a short period of time, despite my disorientedness.

"Interesting," Oda commented amused, staring back at me with his piercing grey eyes, "You're still not down, yet? I have to commend you. Unlucky for you, it's time for me to clean up," He had started slowly walking towards me before he moved his head back and threw out an elbow to the side at someone in one smooth motion, which connected to their cheek. The figure held his cheek as he staggered back. When I got over my disorientedness, I started to recognize the figure.

"Tokitou?" I questioned him, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm fulfilling my end of the bargain," he replied without looking back at me, "You did put those annoying fuckers in their place, anyway."

"Tokitou, I didn't expect to see you here, you motherfucker," Oda snickered at him, "I thought you were done with all the gang shit, seeing you grouped up with the pretty boy and the plain-Jane."

I noticed Tokitou visibly tense at his words. He's really gotten attached to those two, huh. It's only been a few days.

 "I admire your guts, hero," Oda taunted, "To think you're actually standing up to me. It's not going to change anything, though. You can't defeat me. After we're done here, how about I break—"

"Screw you, asshat!" Tokitou had charged back into the fray, relentlessly attacking Oda who kept dodging or blocking all of his punches and kicks. Tokitou had quickly tired himself out and threw a haymaker at Oda, who tilted his head to dodge him. In a swift motion, Oda grabbed Tokitou and brought up his knee.


"Gah!" Tokitou choked out as he folded like a lawn chair. I couldn't help but wince at what I saw. Oda had driven his knee into his liver. Tokitou collapsed on his knees and his face was about to hit the ground before Tokitou punted him in the face. With that, he was out like a light. Oda turned his head and continued walking towards me.

"Do you see it now? This is what will happen to you if you keep standing against me."

"I have one more card under my sleeve," I grinned.

"What do you mean? Ishizaki and Tokitou are both done, and it's not like Komiya or Kondou can do anything against my boys. The Kousetsu Fam will come baying for your blood. What are you gonna do, spit on me? There's nothing you can—"

"Tactical Albert."

"Tactical what?"

Albert threw a haymaker that Oda had no choice but to block because he couldn't dodge in time. 


A dull sound was heard when the heavy strike connected, leaving him stunned. Albert spared no quarter and was on him in an instant. It was not a fight— it was an assault. Punches rained on Oda like an avalanche of boulders. It was something I didn't expect from him, given his rather peaceful disposition. I guess he had enough of Oda's brutality. Or rather, he might have preferred me over Oda to lead the class. I understood where he was coming from, though. I looked at where Oda's gang was supposed to be and saw that they were all seeing stars, likely to have been knocked out by Albert prior to his attack on Oda.

Albert soon turned around and started silently dragging Oda and the others that had been knocked out in one area before he sat down cross-legged next to me.

"I won. It doesn't really feel like a victory, though," I sighed, "What do we do now?"

Albert solemnly took off his glasses and looked at me before speaking in English, "I don't know."

There's no fucking way we're dragging them outside the alley.


And that's the end of Ryuuen's POV and this arc. I'll probably go back and forth with Kiyotaka and Ryuuen. Something like that.

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