Chapter 6

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Ryuuen's POV


Classes had finished this Friday.

I waited for my silver-haired seatmate to pack her folder in her bag before I picked up her excessively heavy book bag and set off with her to the library. I have no idea why she brought so many books with her to class or how she managed to read most of them. I know she is sleep-deprived from the puffiness under her eyes. I noticed she struggled to carry her book bag yesterday so I offered to help carry it. That was a mistake. She chattered on and on about her favorite literature, none that I had an interest in. Some day, I'll force someone to let her talk their ear off about her books. 

I found out she was gifted in analyzing others, so I got her to give me observations about our classmates. It was kind of creepy, honestly. She picked out several notable people and gave descriptions of their personalities. I have no idea how she figured out Oda Takumi's nature that quickly. Oda Takumi, Ishizaki Daichi, Tokitou Hiroya, and Yoshimoto Kousetsu. After I bring them to heel like Albert, then I will control the class. The others will fall in line because...

"Ryuuen-kun, when did you become Albert-kun's friend?"

"Eh, don't sweat the small stuff, but it does involve a flag, a potato peeler I found near the cafeteria dumpster, and a mouse I found in a bush near the school complex. Poor thing was scared for its life."

It was important that I got Albert on my side. Getting him out of the conflict was necessary. He'll make an excellent enforcer and keep my classmates in line if they disagree with my orders. He won't participate because I will be the one to force people to join me.

Even though I could leave, I decided to kill time in the library. It would be stupid for everything to start this early with everyone watching in the open. I made the necessary preparations for the conflict that is to come. That is... to fight dirty. The means did not matter. Everything was fair game as long as I seize control of the class. I also laced Oda's gang's food during lunch when they weren't looking with some lactulose laxatives that can take up to two days to take effect. I knew exactly which brand to choose because I used them on myself before outside. Oda is the last target and the most dangerous of the delinquents I'm up against.



"—have you heard of And Then There Were None? It's a story by the best-selling author Agatha Christie that I told you about! In the story, a mysterious person lures ten different people to an island and accuses them of being murderers. A person suddenly dies and they all think that there's a murderer amongst them, and they keep striking again and again! Oh! Did you know when it was first published in the United Kingdom it used to be called Ten Little—"

"Shiina, how many smart people do you think are in our class?" I interrupted her. More important matters needed to be talked about.

"Um... I don't think our class is very bright on average. There's Kaneda-kun on the boy's side, along with me on the girl's side."

"What about me?"

"What about you? Anyways, I haven't talked to everyone yet, so I can't give you a clear picture of all the smart people in this class. Though from what I've seen, there are a lot of physically fit people in this class. Ishizaki-kun, Albert-kun, Yoshimoto-kun, Tokitou-kun, Oda-kun, their friends, and you are all physically fit boys in the class from looks. Ibuki-san and Minori-san are the athletic girls."

I'll have to take on Ishizaki first, then bring down the Kousetsu Fam sometime after. If Tokitou isn't cooperative, then I'll have to beat the shit out of him too. I heard he and the Kousetsu Fam hated each other, so he'll more than likely help me. I'll beat down Oda and his gang last when their pants are down. That means jumping them while they're on the john. Oda won't stand a chance with little room to dodge.

"What do you think about the pretty boy?"

"Tokitou-kun's friend you mean?" she started sweating for some reason.

"Why are you nervous all of a sudden, Shiina?

*mumble* *mumble*

"What? Something about rearranging?"

"Never mind that. I need to rearrange the books I bought from the bookstore in my room later."

"I have no idea what you mean, but I gotta go, Shiina," I stood up from my seat and left towards to exit.

"Aw, you're leaving?"

"Remember, you're part of the Tea Ceremony Club that meets at 5 o'clock. It's already 4 p.m., so you should get going too after you finish returning the library books."

"Oh, right!"

I waved as I left the library, deciding to leave the school complex, walking down the boulevard towards the mall.


I texted Albert to meet me at one of the juice bars in the mall. I ordered an Agua de Jamaica to drink while I waited, along with an American Sweet Tea for Albert. I saw our class' pretty boy sitting at one of the bar seats. After a few minutes, Albert arrived, so I motioned him to a seat by the table and called for the waitress.

"What do you need, boss?" Albert asked, Americanly. I understood enough English to get me into jail and out of it. I'm sure he understands Japanese but doesn't really care to speak it much, hence his constant silence in class.

The waitress arrived and placed his drink in front of him.

"We're going to the back alleys outside the mall and start everything. It all starts at 6 p.m. You won't have to fight, only serve as a deterrence to stop the little guys from acting up."

Albert's tenseness was relieved. He knows he'll have to punish our classmates when they act out of line later, though. He just won't get involved much in the hierarchy battle.

"Here, take these shades and put them on," I said as I pulled a set of sunglasses out of my blazer pocket.

"...Why did you buy me those?"

"Three reasons: one, it serves as an intimidation factor; two, all bodyguards wear shades; and three, they look cool on you," I explained my rationale, confident with my answer.

For some reason, he shook his head, but he put them on anyway. We finished our drinks and started leaving the bar.

"Excuse me, sir, you need to pay for your drinks!" the waitress exclaimed while pulling my collar.

I jerked my thumb at the pretty boy who wasn't looking and said, "That guy said he is paying for our drinks. Put it on his tab."

She relented and let me go. Albert and I exited the mall and walked towards the alleys, ready to enter the conflict.


Author's Ramblings

Lactulose laxatives: Slow-acting laxatives that can be found in pharmacies. Usually requires a prescription and is probably what Ryuuen used against the Shonen Class.

And Then There Were None: A novel by the author Agatha Christie. The original name is unfortunate, but it was callously used as a sign of the times. It became known as "And Then There Were None" when it was brought to the United States.

Tea Ceremony Club: Shiina's actually a part of the club. Maybe Kiyopon will join, idk.

Agua de Jamaica: One of my favorite drinks, a hibiscus iced tea.

American Sweet Tea: Sugar or simple syrup is added to boiling black tea, cooled down, and served cold with ice. Sometimes there's garniture like lemon, raspberry, blueberry, and more. It's popular in the southern United States, though people in hot communities enjoy it as well, like Californians.

Pretty boy: yeah, Kiyopon's the unknowing victim.

Ryuuen's POV starts this chapter. I have like ten assignments due this week, so I should get started. Bye.

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