Chapter 9

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Ryuuen's POV

I immediately went to track Yoshimoto's phone using the GPS function after ditching Tokitou at the okonomiyaki shop. For extra precaution, I directed Albert to split off from me and track Oda's movements while I led the others to the Kousetsu Fam. It would be foolish to allow that opportunist to take advantage of the chaos and assume control of the class after both our groups beat each other down.

I switched over to the phone application and dialed Ishizaki's number.




"Hello?" Ishizaki finally picked up the damn phone. I could hear the sound of numerous voices in the background from his end.

"It's Ryuuen."


Without hesitation, the dumb bastard hung up on me. My eye twitched violently before I dialed the number once again, which was picked up almost immediately.

"Whaddya want? I'm doing something important," Ishizaki finally answered.

"Get your ass to the arcade. We're going,"

"Ugh, whatever, we're coming," Ishizaki sighed in exasperation. I could tell he pulled away from the phone because I could barely hear the muffled sounds of a conversation with another person, "Deliver...mags... our rooms,"

I promptly hung up the phone and purchased another water bottle from a nearby vending machine to refresh myself. After a few minutes, Ishizaki, Kondou, and Komiya finally arrived. I flicked my eyes towards Ishizaki specifically to see his condition. It looked like Ishizaki freshened up some, too, but his face was still a bit puffy from the beating I gave him. Kondou and Komiya were carrying bags of snacks, so I assume the three haven't eaten.

"Have you three had some grub, yet?" I asked them.

"What's it to you?" Ishizaki grumbled, but I could hear his stomach rumbling. I dropped the bag I was carrying in my hand in front of Ishizaki

"Here's some of mine and Albert's leftover okonomiyaki. Share it between the three of you and then we'll go and pay Yoshimoto a friendly visit. I'm gonna take a piss." I said as I headed further into the alley and unzipped my fly, letting loose the stream on one of the walls.

After the three finished the grub, the four of us set off looking for the Kousetsu Fam.


I spotted the five of them leaving one of the seedy hole-in-the-wall restaurants, looking like they were enjoying the campus nightlife, all of them besides Yoshimoto chattering away at one another. I couldn't help but rub my hands together. Were. Ishizaki and the others probably didn't notice them or know what they looked like because they just looked intently ahead. I slightly shifted where I walked, leading to Kondou shifting as well. A few seconds later, Kondou accidentally shoulder-checked the kid with a facemask.

"Tch," he clicked his tongue, looking back at us with disdain, "Why'd you bump into me, dick?" The other four came to an abrupt stop, all of them aside from Yoshimoto turning their heads to look at us. Both our groups stared at each other in contempt.

"What's it to you?" Kondou met his look of irritation with a glare of his own.

"The fuck is wrong with you, boy?" he grabbed a fistful of Kondou's shirt, "What crawled up your ass and died?"

Kondou spat a loogie at his face, "Let go, prick."

"Agh!" The masked boy angrily grunted, wiping his face of the fluid with his sleeve, "Dickhead,"

Yoshimoto suddenly appeared to Kondou's side and crushed his ribs with a kick, "I don't like your attitude, dickhead," He towered over Kondou, who held his side in pain and gritted his teeth.

"And I don't like yours," I sucker-punched his face with a crushing blow of my own, causing him to stagger back.

"Get their asses!" he yelled, pointing at us before they all converged onto us. I couldn't help but grin because things were going as planned, the situation devolving into a dog fight. Two pricks were fighting against Ishizaki while the other guys went one-on-one and I brawled with Yoshimoto. We both raised our guards up and traded jabs, hooks, and crosses with one another, occasionally slipping each others' guards. He threw a haymaker at me that I tanked, leaving a deep bruise on my arm, and I responded with an elbow strike to his chest and flicked my wrist so the back of my hand smacked his nose, causing it to start bleeding a little.

Yoshimoto staggered back and threw a blind kick to my side. I winced when the heavy kick connected, but I held it in place before kicking his other leg to knock him off balance and make him land on his back. I took the opportunity to start repeatedly stomping his arms that he used to guard as much of himself as he could.

I received a few heavy punches to the face from two other members of the Kousetsu Fam, but I paid them no heed and continued stomping and kicking Yoshimoto. It looks like both Kondou and Komiya lost their fights and immediately tried confronting me when they saw the sorry predicament Yoshimoto was in.

"H-How fucked up are you?" I heard one of them stutter, utterly rattled, "Agh, I've got to snap out of it," Following those words was an especially heavy strike to my cheek. I continued stomping on Yoshimoto and started kicking his face.

I gave a side-eye to the direction where it came from and grinned at the kid with the buzzcut, "Hey, just wait a second. It's almost your turn. I'll just finish beating Yoshimoto for a sec, and then I'll give you the utmost attention that you wanted, okay?"

I could see him shiver in my peripheral vision. I then noticed that Yoshimoto was completely laid out flat on the ground, spread-eagled. Just to test whether he was conscious or not, I gave him a few light kicks to his side, "Moshi moshi? Are you awake or faking unconsciousness?" The lack of him stirring proved that he was out like a light. 

A grin split my face, "Next batter up,"

Suddenly, a fist came out of nowhere, striking the masked kid in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. It looked like Ishizaki finally won his fight against the bucket-hatted kid, who I assume was Yoshimoto's number two. I decided to wrap things up by grabbing a fistful of the buzzcut's shirt and started beating him senselessly until he was knocked out, his head slumping after he was dropped unceremoniously to the ground.

I sighed. At least that's over. The four of us will rest and recuperate before tracking Oda and beating him down.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

We heard the sharp sound of a slow round of applause coming from behind us.

"Well done," a cacophonous voice came from behind us, "We'll take over from here."

We turned around and were met face-to-face with the gaze not unlike the serrated edge of a knife, hidden behind a shadowed visage. It was Oda Takumi.


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It's so difficult writing fights. I hope it was to your liking. As for the fighter tier list in Class C, Yoshimoto Kousetsu has about the same strength as Ishizaki, so if they were matched up, Kousetsu would have won because Ishizaki had previous injuries from his bout with Ryuuen. I hope this showcases well the gap between Ryuuen and the other fighters. That's all, folks. It's raining and I'm cold. I'm just going to sleep. Goodbye. Oh yeah, Merry Christmas and all that jazz.

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