Chapter 12

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Ayanokouji's POV

"Here, try this next!"

...I honestly didn't know what Ryuuen expected. Letting loose thirty-nine hormonal teenagers with short attention spans to do what he ordered with a vague motive was a terrible idea in any shape or form. After ten minutes, everyone in my group had split up with whoever they knew and wandered off doing whatever. Manabe and I were the first; or more accurately, Manabe womanhandled me, dragging me off to one of the chocolateries at the first opportunity. I had no idea if the others changed their minds and were actually searching for cameras. Well, it was no problem for me at all. I already mapped out roughly twenty percent of the area in the quadrant when I hung out with Nishino and Tokitou last week. I'd just have to type the locations of the cameras I had mentally filed away and send the file to Ryuuen later. It's still a shame that Nishino and Tokitou were sent to a different area. I guess Ryuuen would assume that separating us would be a wise idea... not that it would help much.

"Shouldn't we start looking for—" I started to say before Manabe placed a bonbon in my mouth. I had intended to share this box of chocolates with different fillings with her, but for some reason, she kept placing them in my mouth before I could react. Not that I could complain. These chocolates were very enjoyable, after all.

*mogu* *mogu* 

"...Tiramisu. As I was saying, shouldn't we return to searching for cameras? Ryuuen's probably going to be irate if he finds out that we were dawdling around," I said.

"If we both keep our mouths shut," a smirking Manabe put a perfectly-manicured finger to my lips to silence me, "he won't find out. Besides, this research is more important."


"You make such adorable expressions with every chocolate you try," she answered, placing another chocolate in my mouth, "so we'll continue until the box is finished." I had to wonder about the effect sweet things had on me. To change expressions that easily? I guess I have softened a little.

*mogu* *mogu*

"...Matcha. There's still a lot left," I looked apprehensively at the rest of the contents of the box, "I thought we were supposed to share the chocolates,"

"Eh, I'd rather continue feeding you," Manabe leered at me, before her face shifted into a faux-shocked expression, hand covering her mouth, "Or, are you saying you don't want these chocolates?"

Hmm, what to do to get out of this situation. Ah, I know. Reversing it.

I deftly picked out a bonbon with my index finger and thumb before staring her directly into her stormy-colored orbs, "I'd rather feed you instead,"

Without giving time for her to prepare as she reeled from the sudden turnaround, I decided to press the attack, telling her "Say, aah~n," while I pressed the chocolate between her lips with my thumb. 

*mogu* *mogu*

Noticing that some of the chocolate melted from the heat emanating from my fingertips, I gave my thumb a tentative lick.

"K-Kiyotaka!" she exclaimed embarrassedly as her face tinted pink, "Y-You can't just—"

"Oya? But weren't you doing the same to me, Shiho?" I asked innocently. Huh. This is actually entertaining. I guess it was a good idea to read that psychology book. I wonder if I could— save that thought for later. I'd rather we continue pretending to search for cameras by going from place to place. It would be much more efficient to proceed with my schedule this way, anyhow. I'd have to add a few extra tasks to the Kousetsu Fam's assignment. I already requested Nishino and Tokitou beforehand to do the same task as well.

"That's— I didn't think you'd—"

"C'mon, let's go," I interrupted her, "I'm sure there are other places you'd like for us to visit."


"I remember saying you were from Shibuya, right?" Manabe asked, "Have you ever been to, like, Harajuku? I wish I could have gone before I came to this school,"

Ah, right, Harajuku. It's apparently the fashion district in Shibuya. I have to remember the information from the research I did when Matsuo, ahem, looked the other way for me while I was under his watch.

"Hm, Harajuku?" I pretended to think about it, "It's a pretty fun place. There are so many different boutiques, food stands, and animal cafes there. I think you'd have a fun time visiting the area after you graduate,"

"Speaking of boutiques, let's go shopping, yeah?" Manabe beamed at me, "I want to try—"

"Ah, I'm sorry," I apologized after I knowingly bumped into someone.

"Hey, hey, what's the big idea?!"

Manabe and I turned around to see a seemingly irritated girl and another boy who looked apologetic as well. Ah, I recall seeing them in Pallet Cafe. The blonde girl looked to be a sort of gyaru like Manabe, wearing pretty fashionable clothing as well.

"Karuizawa-san, it's no problem," the boy said, looking like he was going to apologize as well before he was interrupted by the girl next to me.

"What's wrong, bitch? Can't you see that he said sorry already?"

"Shiho, please,"

"No, Kiyotaka. I don't like this bitch's attitude. This girl needs to—"

I sighed before sitting on the bench, the other boy taking a seat next to me.

"I'm sorry about that. I'm Hirata Yousuke," he said as he held his hand that I shook.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka," I responded as I looked towards the entertainment, "They act almost the same. I wonder what's going to happen,"  

"Ayanokouji-kun, we should stop them," he said worriedly, which I waved off.

"They'll stop in three, two, one—"

"C'mon Kiyotaka, let's go," Manabe fumed as she and Karuizawa stomped over to the both of us and grabbed our respective hands before turning away from each other, dragging us in different directions. She grumbled rather cutely as she pulled me in the direction of the boutique she wanted to visit, "That girl... I should..!"

I instinctively decided to give her a pat on the head to calm her down, which for some reason worked. I was actually mildly impressed with that Karuizawa girl. To be able to keep up with Manabe when she gets going was rather praiseworthy. It also looked like she was faking it for some reason. It was subtle, but the look in her eyes seemed... desperate, somehow. I'll have to think about it later.

"And we're here. Do you want to come inside? I kinda want your opinion on some dresses I saw last weekend,"

"Um, sure, I don't mind." While I'd rather be outside, I felt her temper would be assuaged if I was there with her. It also wouldn't be a bad opportunity to contact Yoshimoto while she's out looking for clothes. 


I'm sorry, I just take naps often nowadays. More slice of life content! I hope the little snippets here and there add some realism to it. Uh, bye again.

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