Truth Or Dare?!

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Brittney's P.O.V
I'm getting off of the freeway, and feel the warm ocean breeze hit my skin, I can really get used to this. Sam and I drive home, Jc knocked out in the passengers seat, on his left side facing me, he looked so cute! I look in the rear view mirror and see that Trevor and Levi knocked out, Levi in his car seat looking towards his left while Trevor was sitting down looking towards his right, and they were holding hands, aww these two look so cute. I park in the driveway, right after Sam and I quickly pull out my phone, and quietly took pictures of Jc sleeping, and Trevor and Levi sleeping in the most adorable position. I opened the door, and accidentally made a loud noise as I hit my knee in the side of the door,they all woke up scared.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you guys up!"
"It's fine babe." Whispered Jc in his hoarse I just woke up voice, oh my gosh can any of these guys get any hotter!🔥🔥 "ummmm... Come here babe." I hear someone from behind me say, it must be Sam.
"Going Sammy!", I say as I walk quickly to him, and he hugs me from the waist, and pulls me in, and gives me a peck. I go along with him,and I put my arms on his shoulders, and kiss him, on the lips slowly, I could feel his heat onto me. "Awwww. You guys look so cute together!" I hear someone from behind me shout, and I jump away from Sam, and turn around to see that all the boys were looking at us, and Connor had come forward tell us that. But Jc seems pist off, if he thinks I was that into him, I didn't mean to lead him on like that.
I could feel my blood rushing to my cheeks, turning them into a crimson color, "ummmm. Thanks I guess" I say as Sam pulls me backwards towards him, and he hugs me from the back.
"Dude that was all that they have been doing these past few days... It can get annoying at times." I hear Kian say. "Whatever Kian your just jealous you don't have someone to kiss like Sam and I."
"I wouldn't say that, Brittney, I have an official girlfriend, and her name is..." He trails off.
I get so anxious that I charge towards him, and shove him lightly, "Who is the lucky girl? Huh! Tell me!" I say as I continue to bug him.
"Ok sheesh! Her name is Andrea Russett, she's a youtuber too."
"What the hell why didn't you tell me before!! I know who that is she's beautiful! Why didn't you tell me!" I tell him
"We haven't been going out for long, and I guess I forgot to tell you."
"It's fine Keen-Da-Been!" I shout
"Keen-Da-Been? Is that what you call him? Hahahahaha dude that sounds so childish!" Says Jc
"It's not childish! Your just jealous that I call him that and I don't have a nick name for you." I say as I go back to Sam,and he hugs me from behind, and wraps his arms around my waist, and places his head on my left shoulder. I turn my head towards my left, and stare into his beautiful chocolate colored eyes. He leans in slowly,and pecks my lips, and then I peck back at him.
"So... What do we do now?" I hear Ricky ask
"Let's watch some movies, and probably record a video, cause I need to post today." Sam says
"What movies?" I ask
"Scary movies?" Kian says with a malicious smile.
"Umm... I hate scary movies, but ok." I say as I unwrap my self from Sam, and open my cars trunk.
"Oh let me help you with the luggage." I hear JC offer.
"It's okay I can take one." I say as I grab one, JC comes close to me grabs my waist, with his left hand and my face with his right, he kisses me passionately, I am in shock so I don't move. I hear someone behind us, it's Sam, his eyes start to water, I push JC off of me and try to hug Sam.
"How could you!! I thought you loved me? You are such a whore!" Sam spits at me, I break a little inside, but I won't let him win.
"I didn't mean it Jc is the one that kissed me. And you know what I'm not a fucken whore, your the one that lead me when you had a girlfriend, you and I aren't official so you can't call me a fricken whore!!" I start to cry and scream at him, which causes Levi to wake up, and he started to cry. I run to him and carry him, Sam just runs inside of the house and doesn't even apologize. I knew we weren't going to last, what am I talking about, we aren't even an official couple.
"I'm sorry, Brittney I couldn't resist ,my self, your just so beautiful." JC apologizes, with big puppy eyes, I ignore what he said, and I start to mad dog him, I start to cry uncontrollably, and Kian tries to console me. Trevor takes little Levi from me, and takes him inside.
"Kian I'm such a fricken whore! I hate my self!" I say as he tries to hug me and kisses the top of my head.
"No your not, Sam was just being extra, and JC did the dumbest thing, to get Sam mad, they always do this with girls." He whispers I look up,and he kisses my fore head.

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