Asta la Vista Baby!!

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Brittney's P.O.V

I woke up to a quiet house, which was weird, I got up and walked to the kitchen and saw a note " were out on a business trip for about 2-3 months see you soon sweetie! We love you, P.S we are depositing money each week to your bank account, have fun!" Great I'm going to be alone for the whole summer! Not to mention today was the first day of summer vacation! Well you know what I'm going to make the most out of this situation. I went back to my room to find my iPhone 5s under my pillow I slid my finger and put my pass word which was IMissSamandKian! I know what your thinking what!? Sam Pottorff and Kian Lawley yes they are my bestest friends, and I miss them! Kian is my cousin and Sam is my best friend from when I was little. Then an idea hit me! I'm leaving this shit town and going to San Clemente! I went on my group chat with my best friends and asked them " hey guys are you guys down for a road trip? Text me soon so we can pack!" I decided to get a bunch of boxes from my garage and started packing all of my clothes, pictures, and personal belongings. I decided to FaceTime Kian and Sam,

First Ring....

Second ring....

Third ring....

Then it said connecting... An image popped up it was Kian!

" Kian, I miss you!!!" I screamed

"but we just face timed yesterday?" He answered in his funny questionable voice.

"what are you doing?" I asked him

" oh nothing just waiting for little Sammy to wake up!?" He answered, and exclaimed at the Sammy part. Oh how I miss those fools!

" oh hey what would you think about me some how going to San Clemente?" I asked him nervously while waiting for his reaction!

" yes yes I think you should definitely come! We all miss you!!" He answered excitedly like a little kid on Christmas Day!

" ok I think I'm going next week but text me your address so I can get ready for next week! But please don't tell anyone not even Sam! It's a surprise!" I told him clearly

" ok I'll text you it ! Bye I think Sam's waking up!See you next week!" He said excitedly almost to excited!

" okay bye love you! When Sam wakes up tell him I said hey and i love him and miss him a lot bye!"

Then I pressed they end call button.

I went to the group chat and all of the four girls said yes that they could go! So I checked what time it was, it was 9:47 oh snap I need to shower and change!

I hopped inside of the shower and I looked down at my wrist which was faintly covered in scars, yes I cut but I haven't cut in a while and right now I have nothing to be upset about I'm going back to my home town!

I got out of the shower and put on a floral print crop top and some black shorts I applied some foundation and concealer on my face and did a simple winged eye look and applied my blue green contacts put my long dirty ash blonde hair down into its natural waves. I went into the kitchen and got a bagel and some orange juice. I finished my food and grabbed my keys and hopped inside of my blue convertible Lamborghini (click here to see the car or go on google and look for blue convertible Lamborghini) I then started my engine and drove to pick up the girls!

After I picked them up we went in to the town to get a uhaul van for our stuff. We arrived to my house packed everything inside of the uhaul and in to my two cars we were splitting up in to the cars Valeria, fade my Weimaraner dog Fade and I in my purple convertible Ferrari (look up on google) Melanie and Sandra in my blue convertible Lamborghini and Fernanda in the uhaul.

" San Clemente California her we come!!" We all screamed in unison. We scurried in to the cars Melanie, Fernanda and I were driving. Road trip here we come!

End of road trip.

The GPS system told me that the house was on the right side we pulled into the driveway but no one was there? I parked the Ferrari on the street and Fernanda parked behind my car. Melanie shutoff the Lamborghini I jumped into the drivers seat Melanie in the passengers seat, Sandra Valeria and Fernanda in the back seat.

" should I go drop you guys off, and well meet up tomorrow or something?" I asked

" yeah if you want " Melanie said while tweeting on twitter. I drove off into the street to drop them off at their combined house that they rented together. I drove off waving goodbye and shouting "byeeeeee!!"

I drove back into Kian's house, I was somewhat scared nervous but happy and excited too!

Sam's P.O.V

Kian and I had just came back from Laguna beach from recording our cover for "set this world on fire". There was a purple convertible Ferrari in front of Kian's house which was kind of wierd we had never seen this car by here before, I was suspicious

" dude I'm so tired and hungry!" Kian whined

" Meee too! Wait shhhhh shhhh! Be quiet!" I said we were in Kian's drive way and I could hear the engine of a Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder, no way it was my favorite type of car! We would be super lucky if it passed by this street! I heard it getting closer and closer, I walked closer to the side walk and saw the car stop at the corner! I ran back to Kian screaming " dude there's a Lamborghini at the corner!!!"

Brittney's P.O.V

I was at the corner or the street I was beyond anxious it's been about 10 or 11 years ago when I was here! I stopped at the stop sign and sighed lightly, so this is it!? I applied the gas and drove quickly down the street. I looked at Fade as she was sitting in the passengers seat with head head out of the window. I pulled up into the drive way.

Sam's P.O.V

The blue Lamborghini pulled into the driveway and inside there was a beautiful girl with lightly tanned skin and long blonde hair, sunglasses that took up almost all of her tiny face, and she had a white fedora hat.

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