(For the rest of the chapters if I mention a song, I recommend you to listen to it while reading.)
"Hey guys I'm going out to the store real quick anyone wanna come with?" I asked as I walked towards the door.
"Sure I'll go with you!" Sam said as he got his lazy ass off of the couch. He's recently always wanting to come with me to places, not saying it bothers me, it actually make the ride a lot fun, and ...interesting.
"Okay let's go!! Any one want something for the store?"
"Yeah bring me some chips , Arizona, and some candy please?" Kian asked
"Okay bye everyone see you later." I say as I walk out the door with my key, my phone, and my bag in my hand.
I turn the car on and back out of the drive way silently. I go straight down that street, turn to the right and pass by Sam's house,then straight for a couple of blocks. I turned right, then a left, straight for 3 blocks, a left and then finally a right. I pulled in to a Walmart, and mind you it's about 12:45 am on a Saturday night during the summer. Two teenagers, a boy and a girl walking into a store at this time, what would the people think of us as we walk in? A pregnancy test? Beer? Nope the exact opposite candy, chips, and a couple of cans of Arizona iced tea. Probably not what an average, or normal teenager does? But who said we were normal? Cause for god damn sure were not!! I walk to. The cash register,and the lady scans the items.
"Your total is $14.91."
"Ok, I have a credit card?"
"May I see it and your I.D?"
"Wow your so young and with a credit card?"
"Yes my dad always says it's never too early to learn how to handle money!?" I say lightly laughing
"Ok. Here's you receipt."
"Thanks!" I say as I take our bags and walk out of the store, holding hands with Sammers
"What are you thinking about?" Sam asks while swinging our hands up and down
"Oh nothing, just glad to be here with my most favorite person in the world." Well that's not completely true, but it's not a lie. I am happy to be here with him, but I'm worried, I have a bad feeling, I'm scared. I feel like something bad will happen, but I don't want to worry anyone about it, specially Sam.
We get in to the car, and buck our seat belts. I pull out of the parking lot, and decide to take the long way home. R U crazy (radio edit) by Conor Maynard played, I felt like if I was on top of the world. I let go of the wheel real quick, I raised my hands in the air to feel its warm summer heat. I place my hands back on the wheel, I look at the rear view mirror, and there is a fucken black escalade behind us. Not just any fucken black escalade, I know who's escalade this is, and I don't think it will end well. This certain black escalade belongs to my Ex boyfriend Zach's dad, my dad's worst enemy, the other handler of the other half of the drugs around the world. Him and my dad have a grudge against each other, that is why me and Zach went out, to bother them, because we where done with them acting like that, and because we truly loved each other.
"Sam I think where in trouble, don't look back okay? Look in the mirror on the side casually don't make it obvious. You. See that truck behind us? Well that truck is up to no good and I know it!" I whispered
"Ok so what are we going to do?"
"Sam if they start to shoot I have to shoot back. And if I do, you have to take the wheel."
"How are you going to shoot?"
"I have a gun." I said as I pushed a button under the steering wheel, and a secret compartment opened in front of Sam, it contained a couple of guns.
"What the actual fuck?? My girlfriend is hot for one, she has cool cars for 2, she has guns for 3, and she knows how to use them? Wow I really hit the jack pot!! Wait you need to explain!? Wait the the hell!?! We could die!!" He screamed, and that is when I had a sense that they where going to start shooting
"Sam I need you to take the wheel! 1,2,3 go!!" I said as I unbuckled my seat belt and jumped from the drivers seat to the back seat.
"Holy Shit!!" He screamed as he jumped from the passengers seat to the drivers seat, to be freaking honest that was cool, I hope that they didn't see Sam, because if this goes as I plan I can hide Sam from them to protect him. And if they end up kidnapping me he will know who they are, and what they look like. I went in between the drivers seat and the back seat, I pulled out my bullet proof vest, and put it on,grabbed a gun, I haven't worn this in a long time. The last time I wore it, it wasn't a pretty sight, I did kick some stuck up guys asses, which honestly should be embarrassing, imagine being beat up by a girl!! Well I didn't end up too good either, by the time I was somewhere safe, I found out I had a bullet injury right above my left hipbone. I went to the hospital to get the bullet removed, it hurt really bad, imagine getting really bad cramps, but about 10 times worse, and I don't really have a noticeable scar, unless you really look at it, it looks more likes birth mark. Sam started driving, he swerved to the right, I hope he really knows what he is doing, because I've had near death experiences before, and I don't wanna die today.
"Sam drive as far away from Kian's house, and your house, just to keep them safe!" I screamed
The black escalade had a roof top window, and there was someone up there with a gun pointed towards me. I immediately pointed the gun towards him. I shot him in the shoulder about 2-3 times, he fell back and laid on the top of the black escalade. On the passengers window there was also a gun pointed, I shot him in the arm, causing him to drop his gun, he went back inside of the car to find another gun I guess. From where I could see I only saw three people in the car, I already shot two, so the driver was the only one left. I got a slightly stronger gun, I shot the right front wheel, then the left front wheel, causing the car to break and make a turn. The truck was now slightly crooked, pointing the front of the car towards the right side, I saw the back wheels. I saw this as an opportunity to shoot the back wheels. I shoot the back wheels and the car just stayed there stranded in the middle of nowhere. I saw a figure come out of the car and stand there, with what looked like a gun. They shot this way, it dodged the bullet, I shot the man, and he fell backwards. I turn to look at Sam, and he has a bullet wound right on the back of his left collar bone. I saw a bunch of blood spewing out.
"Sam please stay with me!" I screamed as I slapped his cheeks lightly, while crying my eyes out.
"Brittney I can't take this much longer, drive to the hospital." He said while stuttering in between words, and taking large breathes
"Ok Sam I'm going to move you a little so I could drive, please help me move you a little." I whispered
I'm moving Sam slightly little by little to the passengers seat. I finally move him and start driving, I can't quite see the road, my tears are making my sight blurry.
"Sam I need you to focus on my voice and stay with me okay?" I whispered as I dried my tears with the back of my hand
I was driving fast as hell, i had to get Sam in to an ER as soon as possible. I almost crashed into a couple of cars, on the drive over there. I finally pulled into a hospital parking lot. I grabbed Sam his right arm over my shoulder and I had my left arm holding his left side securely, while my right arm held his legs. I closed the car door and ran into the hospital like a crazy mad woman.
"Help!! I need help!! He's been shot!! Please save him!!" I screamed and cried uncontrollably
"Okay miss I need you to set him down on this stretcher, and calm down everything will be fine." Said a tall white lady with piercing blue eyes, and a long blonde ponytail, in purple scrubs. I set Sam down on the stretcher, and some nurses rolled him away into the ER
"Ok please just do anything to save him, anything, please!!" I screamed and cried, I collapsed down onto the floor and placed my head on my thighs, I held my self down and cried.
"Please miss I need you to calm down, and tell me some information about the young man you brought in." She asked kindly while helping me up.
"Okay. His name is Samuel John Pottorff, he's 17 years old, he has diabetes, and his birthday is October 19th 1995."
"What's your relation to this young man?"
"He's my boyfriend."
"Ok thank you. He is in good hands let's just hope that the bullet didn't hit near his heart, and I will give you further information where he is out of surgery."
"Ok thank you." I whispered as I walked limply to the waiting room
I waited for what felt like hours. I hope he is fine, if anything happens to him I will never forgive myself, ever!
"Relatives to Mr. Samuel John Pottorff?" Enter the same kind nurse into the waiting room with a clip board
"Yes, that would me? Is he okay? Please I'm begging you is he okay?!" I asked her almost screaming
"I'm sorry to inform you but...... Mr. Samuel John Pottorff...... Is no longer with us... The bullet went through one of his main nerves, which caused a lot of blood loss, and the doctors tried their best, he didn't make it. I'm so sorry." She told me with tears forming at the corners of her eyes.
"Nooooooo! It can't be!!! Your lying, he is alive, please tell me your lying!!" I screamed and I involuntarily fell to the ground on my knees I hunched over and put my hands through my hair and I was pulling it with such force, that I felt like I was going to rip it off.
"I'm sorry miss, but I wish I were lying." She said and she bent down to the floor and hugged me, she patted my hair and whispered "you will be fine."
" I won't be fine, it's all my fault!!"
I woke up in a cold sweat, I was crying non stop, screaming, and trembling. Was all of that a dream? I turn to see Sam sound asleep, he looked so peaceful, how come he didn't wake up while I was crying, and shaking? I try my hardest to unhinge myself from Sam's tight grip on my waist and not wake him up. I slowly push his arm up and move it to the side. I sit up in the bed and grab my phone from under the pillow. It read 4:57 am Tuesday June 17, 2014. I move off of the bed and change into some yoga grey PINK Victoria Secret pants and a bright pink exercise shirt, and my running shoes. I felt like I can't go back to sleep, so I'll go for a walk. I go into the bathroom, my eyes are killing me. I look in the mirror, I slept with my contacts again! It hurts so bad! I fix my contacts and put them back in.
I'm trying my best to be quiet as I'm waking down the hall. I turn right and down the stairs, I see a figure in the dark, who could it be? I see it get up off of the couch, it has four legs? It has to be Fade!
"Come on Fade, let's go for an early morning walk." I whispered
Fade was really well trained, she didn't need a leash. I walked towards the door, and opened it, let her out and closed the door. Were walking down the street, towards the beach, it's a lot to take in. Right after that horrible dream/ nightmare because it's reality, but it's a horrible reality. Fade and I take a long walk/jog along the beach, Fade has never been to a real beach,so she's pretty curious about it, she gets close to the water once the wave goes back in, and when the waves come towards her, she would run full force towards the dry sand, it was a pretty funny sight seeing her run from the water. I grab my phone and check what time it is, it read Tuesday June 17, 6:15 am. Wow!! Almost an hour here, walking? It didn't feel like it! I guess time goes by fast when your thinking about life! It's time for me to get going back home.
"Fade!! Time to go!!" I shouted,and she came running towards me.
We walked back home. I opened the door, and everyone was still dead asleep. So I decided to make breakfast for everyone. I started taking out the pancake mix, milk, eggs, vanilla, bacon, sausage, waffle mix,etc. I started cooking away. I checked what time it was, and it was 6:45 am and I was almost done, I just needed to make coffee, and smoothies for Sam and Kian, cause when we were little I remember we would always eat that in the mornings.
Sam's P.O.V
I wake up, and turn, I don't see Brittney. I feel my stomach drop, and my heart shatter. Is she mad? Does she not like me? I sit up on the bed and smell food!! I'm hungry. I walk down the hall and down the stairs. I find someone short and thin with her long blonde wavy hair pulled back into a ponytail, cooking on the stove, with food all over the counter nicely put in plates, with pancakes, waffles, eggs , bacon, sausage, coffe, and freshly squeezed orange juice. It's obviously Brittney, Wow she can cook? That is surprising now a days, because all of the girls nowadays don't know how to cook and clean. I get closer towards the island with all of the food, my mouth is watering, everything looks so good. She hasn't heard me, now she's by the blender, making a smoothie? It's the smoothie that Kian's mom and my mom would make for Kian Brittney and I in the mornings. Wow!! She does remember. I get closer to her and snake my arms around her waist and placing my head in the crook of her neck.
Brittney's P.O.V
I'm at the blender making a smoothie, and all of a sudden I hear someone approaching me and they snake their arms around my waist and place their head at the crook of my neck., I look down at the hands and see a bunch of bracelets, and feel really curly hair. It can only be one person, Sam. I turn around and his hands are still holding me close to him, I place my hands on the sides of his face. I admire his face, his perfect looking pink cheeks, his chocolate brown eyes, his messy and crazy morning hair.
"Good morning my sunshine!" I whisper
"Good morning beautiful!" He whispered back
I stand on my tippy toes, since I'm only 5'2 1/2 yes I know I'm pretty short, and lean in and kiss him sweetly and passionately. I let him go, and he let's my waist go, I suddenly feel really cold. I walk up the stairs and into Kian's room. He his dead asleep, drooling, and snoring. He looks so peaceful, I climb the bunk bed and kiss him on the cheek, and he slowly wakes up.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" I whispered.
"Good morning princess." He says in his morning voice.
I jump off of the bunk bed and walk past Sam back down stairs, he looks mad. Is he joking? Is he jealous? Kian is my cousin!! I only kissed his cheek because I love him, and to wake him up. If he is jealous, oh well his problem. I go down to the kitchen and stand by the island, turn forward towards the rooms.
"Breakfast is ready!! Get up and eat everyone!!" I shouted
Kian and Sam raced down the stairs. Almost killing themselves on the way down, they were racing down, to get a chair.
"There's the Brittney I know!!" Kian said smiling, I missed his wide and happy smile the most, and his humor.
"I was quiet because I didn't want to wake all of you up, and you looked to cute asleep!"
"What did you do all of this time?" Sam asked me
"I woke up at 5:00 am to walk Fade to the beach, and at 6:00 I came back to make breakfast."
"You did all of this in 45 minutes?" Asked Kian
"Yeah! It's not that hard, my mom and dad taught me how to cook."
That was when everyone else came down the stairs. Uncle Robert? I hadn't seen him in years, he looks so different! He was walking down the stairs fixing his tie. I ran towards him.
"Uncle Robbie!!" I screamed and hugged him, I almost cried
"Who is this?" He asked playing around, I knew that he knew who I was.
"It's Bri!!"
"No it's not the Bri I know is this small!" He said showing with his hand how tall I was when I was 6
"Uncle Robbie it's 10 years later!! Almost 11, of course I'm a lot taller!!"
"You really haven't grown you know!!" Sam teased, I got closer to Sam and side hugged him, he side hugged me back. I smiled a smile with all of my teeth, Wow I haven't done that in a long time.
"Yup!! That's the Brittney I know! That wide smile showing all of her teeth! I missed you so much!!" He said smiling, he walked towards me and hugged me, it wasn't just a hug, it was a big bear hug. Oh how I missed my uncle!
"Everyone dig in!!" I shouted as every one gathered around the island full of food, and the counters with the smoothie, orange juice,and coffee. Everyone was already down stairs in the kitchen, in their pjs, and morning hair.
"This is delicious!" Said Sam and Kian with their mouths open, and full of food.
"Thanks!" I said as I watched everyone eat, and I cradled a hot mug of coffee in my cold hands.
"Aren't you going to eat babe?" Sam said getting up off of his seat, stepping close to me and looking in my eyes. This is like the 5th time he calls me babe? What's he trying to say?
"Yeah... I'll eat right now." I knew that I was going to eat, but I just want to take all of this in, everyone in my family gathered in front of me for the first time in 10 years.
I got a plate from the cabinet, served my self some eggs, sausage, waffle, and fresh fruit. I sat down in the crowded table right in between Kian and Sam.
-------- breakfast is over---------
"We're going to go and get ready for school." Sam said as he went up the stairs
"Okay." I said as I went up the stairs, in to the bathroom
"Bri what are you going to do today?" Kian asked
"I'm probably going to hang out with my friends for a while, why?"
"Could you pick us up after school?"
"Yeah, and we could go and get fro yo!"
"Sure!!" Sam said
I walked outside into the uhaul and opened the back, I pulled out one of my suit cases. I jumped off of the platform, I closed and locked the back part. I walked back to the house, up the stairs, and in to Kian's room. I put my suit case in the corner, I opened it, and saw some of my clothes. I pulled out a light pink/coral colored summer dress, and some small comfortable wedges. I grabbed my mint green contacts,and walked towards the bathroom, and locked the door, and took of my blue contacts. I started to undress myself, looking at how my body was faintly covered in scars, some on the sides of my hips, which are usually covered with my underwear. Three on my left arm, you can't really tell, they are practically invisible, unlike the ones in my hips. I hopped into the shower, I turned the hot water on, the shower seemed like a sauna, thick, humid, and hot.I let the hot water hit my body, it relieves my stress, and pain. I get out of the shower, and change into my dress, wedges, and towel dry my hair, and put on my mint green eye contacts. I walk out of the rest room, and find Sam laying on the bed, with his feet over the end of the bed. I walk towards Kian's full body mirror, I pull out my make up bag, and start with my foundation, then move onto my eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and my lip gloss.
Sam's P.O.V
Brittney just walked into the shower, the more I'm near her, the more I catch myself staring at her, wishing I was with her, and not with Acacia. I really need to break up with her, because she doesn't make me happy, Brittney does. I hear Brittney get out of the shower, she walks out with a coral dress, wedges, and her dirty blonde hair which reaches her hips, almost her butt. She walks towards the mirror, sits I front of it, criss cross, apple sauce, and she starts applying make up. I've seen Acacia apply make up, and it takes her forever, she applies a lot at a time, while Brittney's makeup looks really natural, and beautiful. Her eyes look into the mirror, and met mine, they are a perfect mint green shade now, I guess her eyes change color. She puts away her makeup, and lays next to me on the bed.
Brittney's P.O.V
I finish applying my make up, and find Sam staring at me from the mirror. His eyes make me melt, I put away my makeup, and lay next to him. His body smells like that Abercrombie and Fitch perfume that they apply all over the store. He smells incredible, almost god like.
Sam's P.O.V
She's laying next to me, and it feels incredible, her perfume, sweet, warm vanilla perfume. She lays her head on my chest, and I feel like she's falling asleep.
"Brittney let's take a selfie!"
"Okay.. And by the way you sound like a total white girl!"
I pull out my phone, and raise my arms over both of our faces. She smiles widely, and she looks like the little girl that used to run around in the beach, with me and Kian, when we were younger. We take another picture, and she kisses my cheek, with her eyes closed, I do the same to her, and the last picture is when we both kiss, and the sides of our faces towards the screen.
"Here let me make a collage, and you post it." I handed her my phone.
"Are you going to fix your room today?"
"Probably, I don't know, I'm going to need help with moving the bed. I'll probably just buy the stuff I want later in today."
"Can you pick us up from school? "
"Sure what time do you guys get out?"
"Since it's the last week of school, we get out at 12:30"
"Ok that's fine I'll pick you guys up, and we can get fro yo after. Here your phone!"
"Let me see it?... It looks nice I'm going to post it on Instagram and Twitter."
"Ok.. It's 7:20 are you guys gonna get ready to leave?"
"Yeah.. We have to go Kian!!" I shout, and grab my penny board
"I'll walk outside with you. Let me just get my iPhone, bag, and my keys." She got up and walked right next to me.
"Ok" I grabbed her hand and we walked together towards her car
"Bye Sam." she hugged my neck, I held her waist, and there was no space in between your bodies.
"Bye Babe, I Love You." I hold her right cheek, look at her eyes, and kiss her passionately on the lips.
"Bye Babe, I Love You!" She said as we let go and I penny boarded down the street with Kian to school.

Fade a Sam Pottorff Fanfic
FanfictionThey knew each other since they were young. One day she just left. Brittney and Kian cousins, best friends, almost like siblings. Ever since she left everything has been upside down for Sam, in and out of relationships, trying to finding the one tha...