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Thus three weeks passed, three weeks full of love and surprises on the part of the young couple.

On Aidan's side

--The boy was on his terrace looking at the sky, thinking about Y/N and the beautiful moments they spent together, all while playing the strings of his guitar--

He took advantage of the fact that he was with his guitar and he sang to the night.

{Play the song} :3

Te cuento que me encuentro enamorado  {I tell you that I find myself in love}

Y siento que esta vez es la correcta  {And I feel like this time she's the right one}

Te cuento para mí ella es perfecta  {I tell you, for me she is perfect}

Con todos sus defectos y pecados  {With all her flaws and sins}

Sé que con otras yo me he equivocado  {I know that with others I have been wrong}

Sé que he dado contra el mundo y he perdido la esperanza  {I know I stood against the world and I've lost hope}

Porque aunque llevo cargas del pasado  {Because although I carry loads of the past}

Cuando ella está a mi lado se equilibra la balanza  {When she is by my side the scale balances}

Y nada me cansa  {And nothing tires me}

No pienso dar ni un paso atrás  {I am not going to take a step back}

En el camino que me lleve hacia tus besos  {On the way that leads me to your kisses}

No pienso en eso, se los confieso  {I don't think about it, I confess}

Hoy me arriesgo a todo sin mirar atrás  {Today I risk me to everything without looking back}

Si tú te vas, ya volverás  {If you leave, already you will come back}

Porque el destino sabe bien qué es lo correcto  {Because fate knows well what is right}

Y no habrá pretextos de espacio ni tiempo  {And there will be no pretexts of space or time}

Solo formas nuevas de poder amar  {Just new ways to be able to love}

Te cuento que me encuentro ilusionado  {I tell you that I find myself excited}

Y no puedo olvidarme ya de ella  {And I can't forget about her anymore}

''SHE'' I fell in love with her.Where stories live. Discover now