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Minutes later

--Aidan sighed and said: -Let's get started.


--Aidan saw a group of college students and decided to approach--

Aidan: Hi, how are you? Do any of you know this girl?  --he shows them a picture of you--

--They shook their heads--

Aidan: Well, thank you.


Aidan: Good morning, by any chance, have you seen this girl?

Security: No young, excuse me.

Aidan: Well thank you, have a nice day.

--The woman nodded and continued with her duties--


Aidan: Good morning, meet...

--The person passed by ignoring and leaving the boy with the word in his mouth--

Aidan: Wow  --raising both eyebrows--

In the afternoon

Aidan: Excuse me ma'am, do you know this girl?  --showing your photo--

Fruit seller: No young  --looking at the photo--

Aidan: Are you sure? Please, take a good look, finding her is very important to me.

Fruit seller: Sorry boy, I've never seen her.

Aidan: Ou, well, thank you very much.


Aidan: I'm going to find you, my love, even if I spend all day looking for you, I'm not going to give up.


Aidan: Good afternoon, excuse me sir, have you seen this girl?

Baker: Her face is familiar to me...  --looking at the photo--

Aidan: Really? Sir, any information you give me, I really REALLY will be very helpful.

Baker: Now that I see you... your face is also familiar to me  --squinting--  -Aren't you that guy from that umbrella show?

Fan: Don't overdo it  --she put both hands to her mouth in astonishment--  -AIDAN GALLAGHER!!!

--The girl approached Aidan and asked for a photo, incidentally the green-eyed boy took the opportunity to ask her if she had seen Y/N--

Baker: Yes, he is that guy  --snapping his fingers--

Fan: WOW, THANK YOU!! I will upload it to my profile.

Aidan: It was a pleasure  --with a slight smile--

Fan: And Aidan, I hope you find Y/N, she has not been very active in her social networks lately, so it is very difficult to know where she could be. But cheer up, I bet she misses you too  --she gave him a hug--  -Bye and good luck.

Aidan: Thank you.


--The boy was walking in the rain with the photo of Y/N in his hands, asking every passerby and vendor who passed him if any of them had seen her--

Aidan kept walking and when he saw a bench he went straight to it, gave a sigh and sat down, thus giving his legs a rest, he had walked for hours looking for his beloved, asking all the people in front of him if due to life circumstances they had seen his Pretty but no one could give him an answer and some just ignored him.

--He looked at the photo of Y/N and then looked up at the sky--  -Where are you?

On Y/N's side

--The girl was sitting under her window looking up at the sky when she began to sing this little stanza of the song ''Saturno'':

En Saturno viven los hijos que nunca tuvimos  {On Saturn, live the children we never had}

En Plutón aún se oyen gritos de amor  {On Pluto, cries of love are still heard}

Y en la Luna gritan a solas tu voz y mi voz  {And on the moon they scream alone your voice and my voice}

Pidiendo perdón, cosa que nunca pudimos hacer peor  {Asking for forgiveness, something we could never do worse}

Leticia: Y/N, dinner is ready  --opening the door to her daughter's room--

-Oh sweetie, are you okay?

Y/N: Yes, yes mom  --her mother just looked at her--

-I think I'm going to get an allergy  --running her hands over her eyes--

--Leticia did not believe her but she did not want to delve into the subject, so she only managed to say:

-Well... Dad and I are waiting for you downstairs  --giving her a kiss on the forehead and then going to the door--

Y/N: Ok mommy, I'll come down right away.

--Y/N looked up at the sky and then looked down--


Y/N: Hey, stop  --looking in the mirror--

-You won't see it again, forget it. Poof, it's gone  --Y/N thought about the last thing she said--

-Yes well... that didn't help  --crushing her lips--

-But seriously, enough.

--Seconds later she left her room and went to dinner with her parents--

''SHE'' I fell in love with her.Where stories live. Discover now