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-Her mother opened the door and when she saw her little girl dressed in white she was moved--  -My girl  --very excited--  -You look so beautiful.

Y/N: Thanks, Mommy  --with a smile--

Carlos: Y/N, are you ready... Wow, you look so beautiful  --he was also excited--

--Y/N approached them both and gave them a hug--

Leticia: Our little girl is going to leave the nest  --said, causing a nostalgic smile in Y/N--

Carlos: You grew up so fast, a while ago you were our little girl, the one who didn't want to know anything about love and look at you now, about to get married  --wiping some tears--  -But even if today you get married and make your life with your future husband , you will always be our little one, never forget it.

--Y/N nodded--  -I'll never forget it dad.  --looking at her parents--  -I love you. AND NOW  --looking up at the ceiling--  -I do not want to cry because then my makeup runs  --making herself a little air--

Carlos: I should have recorded you when you said that you would not get married until you were 50 and that's if you fell in love.

Y/N: DAD!!  --she laughed tenderly--

--Selena walked into the room--  -WOW.

Y/N: It's wow's day  --with a smile--

Selena: I want to scream, can I scream?

Y/N: WAIT  --she said quickly, then covered her ears and indicated to her parents to do the same--  -Now yes.

--Selena yelled, waving her fists--  -Ready, I'm done  --she sighed, then gave a big smile--

Selena: I came to see if you were ready and I see that you are more than ready, you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen, AAAAHHH NOW I WANT TO CRYYYYY!

--Y/N got a little embarrassed--  -Save the tears of emotion for later, best friend.

Selena: You're right, well let's go  --she said, then hugging her friend and looking at her with joy--

Y/N: Come on  --closing her eyes and bringing her hand {where the engagement ring and promise ring were} at the level of her chest, with a slight smile--

At the wedding venue

--Aidan was standing by the side of the altar, staring at the entrance as he anxiously awaited his future wife--

Some minutes later

--Selena came running up and yelled--  -Here comes the bride!

Aidan: Wow...  --looking at Y/N with a big smile and eyes crystallized with love--

--Carlos accompanied Y/N to the altar and before handing over his daughter he stared at the green-eyed man and said: -I trust you, Aidan.

--Aidan made a gesture of respect--  -I'm honored, Mr. Y/LN.

Aidan: My love, you look very gorgeous.

Y/N: And you look very handsome  --with a smile--


Aidan: Y/N Y/LN, I Aidan Ryan Gallagher, I give myself to you as husband, lover and best friend, uniting my life with yours, from today the '' I '' becomes us, together to be a single meat.  --As he placed the wedding ring on her--

--Holding the girl's hands--  -I promise to honor you, respect you, take care of you, value you, understand you and love you during all the days of my life, until my body does not resist more and my soul finds you in another life.

-I promise to be by your side both in good times and in bad times, I swear to always be faithful to you and support you when you need me, I will celebrate your achievements with you and I will give you my hand to fulfill your dreams.

Y/N: Aidan Ryan Gallagher, I Y/N Y/LN, I give myself to you as a wife, lover and best friend to understand you, honor you, take care of you, value you, respect you and love you every day of my life, until my body does not resist more and my soul finds you in another life.  --As she placed the wedding ring on him--

--Holding Aidan's hands--  -I promise to always be faithful to you, to be by your side in your good and bad moments, to encourage you without impoverishing you and to advise you without imposing me, to take care of you when you are sick and to take care of you so that you do not get sick  --tender laughs--

-I promise to encourage you in all your dreams, in everything your heart yearns for. I will never tire of seeing your beautiful smile, or tell you that I love you, even if I mention it every two minutes, the limit does not exist.

Aidan: I promise to make you laugh in your moments of drama, they are goals  --looking at her sideways and with a smile--

Y/N: I promise that at every breakfast I will give you the least burnt toast.

--The guests and the cute couple laughed--

Aidan: You are the angel that heaven sent me to cover me with her wings of love.

Y/N: You are the right one, I found my perfect boy and I'm glad it's you.

Aidan: In the presence of our friends, family and the love, I promise to love you madly every day of our life, my wife.

Y/N: In the presence of our friends, family and the love, I promise to love you madly every day of our life, my husband.

Judge: You can kiss the bride now.

--Aidan and Y/N approached and sealed their union with a beautiful kiss--


Y/N: I love you, Aidan.

Aidan: I love you, Y/N.


''SHE'' I fell in love with her.Where stories live. Discover now