Chapter Twenty Four

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I sat in the office of my home my fingers having made short work of how neat it was an hour prior.

The fact that I will become CEO of Winters Group in under a year is slightly daunting, yes it's supposed to be when I turn nineteen but I made the agreement with the Executive Board that I will take over once summer of my Senior year is over.

As a result here I sat looking over growth charts and management files, hell I have report after report laid out on the desk to better understand the company I will be taking over.

The reason I have my hair in a mess is because Winters Enterprises peaked growth in twenty-seventeen when my parents died and never went over that again ending the growth of the company.

At that moment a knock comes from the door drawing my attention before it opens and Olivia walks in holding two mugs of something hot.

Using her foot she closes the door and walks over to me setting one of the mugs on the desk.

"What are you doing?" she asks sipping the drink.

"Looking at growth charts, and WGI files, basically I'm familiarizing myself with the business I will be taking over in a little over a years time" I say lifting the mug to my lips and taking a sip of the hot chocolate which also tastes like cinnamon.


"I feel so mediocre, you're all doing something big and exciting when you graduate, I'm spending ten years to become a doctor" Olivia says the messy bun on her head bobbing as she takes another sip.

"There's nothing wrong with being a doctor Olivia, we need them in the world, besides I know you'll be a brilliant doctor" I say giving her a small smile.

"Brilliant" she muses in a British accent.

"You love my slight British accent" I say.

"Yes I do" she replies and again her bun bobs.

"Why is your hair up you never put it up?".

"I cleaned the kitchen, and living room".

"Damn you work fast" I comment.

"So do you, there's twenty organized files here".

"Yes there is" I say rolling my neck to get the knots out of it.

"Take a break, you've been here for hours".

"I'm analyzing trends, and you know me I do things until there done" I say.

"Yes I do know that" Olivia says before looking at the disorganized files in front of me. "I'll help you".

"How?" I ask looking over at her.

"Trends are math, I'm good at math" Olivia says taking a sheet and moving my laptop so we could both see the chart.

"Okay so the D graphic goes here, to here" she says creating a growth curve, before putting in the second line.

As we worked through graphing the trends, I found the growth chart I made several months ago and placed it over the one we just made.

"Woah, I didn't know that these could be grown that much" Olivia says as we convert them into bar graphs.

"Winters Group has the potential to be the most powerful company in the world, and I'd like to make it that with a new set of visionaries and young minds, Winters Group board is mostly middle aged, and will be stuck in the past. Unfortunately" I muse.

"Well if you're getting rid of a large part of the Executive Board then you'll likely need a new COO, I can't see anyone having been new to that position" Olivia says.

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