Ch75 - You're My Boyfriend

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Translated by Eve

Edited by Kara

The alley didn't have any lights, but some light being reflected off the snow was enough to brighten up their surroundings.

Song Xuanhe evaded the question. "You really seem like you're in a bad mood." He then looked up. "Why?"

Behind Xiao Yuanmu was the dark alley. Above him was a faint, yellow light filtering out of an old window. His pupils were jet-black, and his gaze fell onto the reflective snow behind Song Xuanhe. His lips were slightly pursed, and his jaw was tensed. He didn't say a word.

His cold aura paired with this kind of surrounding made him look lonely and dejected somehow.

Suddenly, Song Xuanhe realized something. Many complicated emotions bubbled in his chest. But in the end, he simply broke the silence with a laugh. "Have you eaten dinner yet?"

Xiao Yuanmu's eyelashes trembled slightly. When his gaze locked onto Song Xuanhe, whose eyes only seemed to hold him in this moment, the look in his own eyes changed slightly. He said in a flat voice, "No."

"Then, let's go eat."

Song Xuanhe came in a bit closer, putting Xiao Yuanmu's ice-cold hands into his coat's pockets. He asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Xiao Yuanmu looked away. "Haven't you already eaten?"

"I'll accompany you."

Xiao Yuanmu's eyes returned to see Song Xuanhe's now-lowered ones. He finally said, "Let's go to Jinji."

Song Xuanhe paused and then agreed.

Nights in the city were always very lively. Even though it was a weekday today and already past eight, there were still lines and people taking numbers at most restaurants. Song Xuanhe and Xiao Yuanmu only discovered that Jinji was crammed full of people when they had arrived. If they wanted to eat, they'd have to wait at least half an hour.

Song Xuanhe was dressed in a suit. He was like a luxurious car parked on the street—he looked very out-of-place standing outside a hundred-year-old restaurant like this. Furthermore, Xiao Yuanmu, who was wearing an indifferent expression on his face, also seemed incompatible with the surrounding lively, raucous crowd. Even when sitting down onto the stool that was much too short for his long legs, it was difficult to suppress his cold aura and shockingly good looks.

Occasionally, people would either boldly or secretly cast their gazes over. Even the guests who had been leaving the restaurant couldn't help but turn back to take a look. Xiao Yuanmu was calm despite the commotion, completely unaffected. Meanwhile, Song Xuanhe felt uncomfortable for some reason.

So, he pulled his phone out and swiped at it casually. He saw that Zhou Nan had sent him several voice messages.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
It was noisy in here, so Song Xuanhe didn't want to bother with opening them. He just wrote back: Whatever you have to say, write it instead.

Who knew what Zhou Nan was doing right now, but his reply came back very quickly. There really seems to be something wrong with Lin zi. It's the first time I've ever seen him drink so much. He usually only takes a few sips. I think that he's going to get drunk tonight.

"Zhou Nan," Song Xuanhe replied casually. Xiao Yuanmu's voice had pulled him back to the present situation. He finally understood the words on his screen, and his brows furrowed slightly. "They're at a bar."

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