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translator: Eve
editor: kara

When Song Xuanhe heard those two words, he knew that Xiao Yuanmu had only been joking. However, the shock he had suffered just now did manage to chase the sleep away.

Song Xuanhe looked at Xiao Yuanmu with a chilly expression. Without any hesitation, he reached out to press the “end call” button.

Xiao Yuanmu: “You don’t have to look into Zhou Rong’s case.”

Song Xuanhe paused, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Xiao Yuanmu: “I will handle it. You don’t have to bother yourself with it.”

Song Xuanhe frowned. “What did you find out?”

“A lot of things,” Xiao Yuanmu said in a mild voice, “I’ll tell you everything once it’s all over.”

Eyes still narrowed, Song Xuanhe said, “This is my business. You have to give me a reason why I shouldn’t look into it. Or at least, tell me who the mastermind behind all of this is.”

“The Hoffman Family’s involved.” Xiao Yuanmu furrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone became much graver. “You’ll only put yourself in danger by getting involved. Leave it be. Be good.”

When he heard Xiao Yuanmu’s last two words, he raised a brow. His lips parted, but he didn’t retort. He simply looked away. “Are you in a bad mood?”


Yang Jie, who was standing off to the side, was taken aback. His gaze was on Xiao Yuanmu’s profile. Although he couldn’t read the other’s face, Xiao Yuanmu’s lips were raised up slightly higher than normal. He then looked away, his own lips pulling into a straight line.

All of a sudden, he realized why Xiao ge liked Song Xuanhe.

Song Xuanhe didn’t know that there was someone else in the room. When he had heard the other admit to being in a bad mood, he flashed a look of keen interest. “Tell me why. Might make my day.”

Xiao Yuanmu was sitting upright, one hand holding his phone up while the other rested on his leg. He observed Song Xuanhe on the other end for a moment. “You might not necessarily feel happy when you hear it.”

“Try me.” Song Xuanhe raised a brow. His cold expression from having been woken up warmed up a bit, and a small smile graced his face. “I feel like anything that makes you unhappy will probably make me very happy.”

“Xiao—my mother,” Xiao Yuanmu examined Song Xuanhe with his pitch-black eyes as he spoke in his low, chilly voice, “She’s really interested in you. She was so disappointed when you didn’t come.”

Song Xuanhe’s smile froze. He asked, “What does this have to do with your bad mood?”

“I’m worried she’ll go looking for you.” When Xiao Yuanmu saw Song Xuanhe’s pursed lips, his tone softened. “Or that she’ll seek out Auntie Song and ask her about us.”

“What is there to say about us?” Song Xuanhe was skeptical. “Even if she asked my mom, she wouldn’t be able to find out all that much.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Xiao Yuanmu smiled and nodded. There was a raspy laugh in his voice. “Maybe.”

Vbcu Wejctf rajgfv ja atf batfg wjc klat rdelcafv fsfr obg j wbwfca. Aera jr tf qertfv atf “fcv mjii” yeaabc, atflg fsfr revvfcis wfa. Vbcu Wejctf ogbkcfv.

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