Translated by Eve
Edited by Kara
Song Xuanhe didn’t even bother to go back and get his car. In order to make it in time to his appointment with Zhou Rong, he called a taxi and gave the driver the address Zhou Rong had sent him.
Song Xuanhe raised a brow upon seeing the address. Zhou Rong was good at choosing locations. A remote, high-class club was indeed the perfect choice for this meeting. It wouldn’t have made Song Xuanhe suspicious, and it was hidden from the public, which meant that they wouldn’t be disturbed.
“Er shao!”
An upright-looking young man quickly walked over. His steps were full of vigour and happiness, and there was a smile full of excitement on his face as if he really was reuniting with a friend he hadn’t seen for a long time.
Song Xuanhe met him halfway and extended a hand. Their chests bumped in greeting. Song Xuanhe then smiled and asked, “What took you so long to come back?”
“My family wouldn’t let me leave.” Zhou Rong patted his shoulder. He then raised a brow in surprise. In a teasing voice, he said, “Looks like you’ve been working out since I had been gone.”
“What do you think?” Song Xuanhe moved his shoulders. Before the other could react, he hooked his leg behind Zhou Rong’s left leg and threw him onto the ground. Under Zhou Rong’s guarded and shocked gaze, Song Xuanhe bent down slightly with a hand out. He pulled the other back up and chuckled. “Have I improved?”
“At a godly pace.” Zhou Rong stood up with Song Xuanhe’s help. He then looked down as he patted the dust off of his clothes. He smiled back. “I can’t knock you down on my own.”
Song Xuanhe also helped him pat the dust off. “I only know a few moves. It only worked this time because I caught you off-guard.”
Zhou Rong wrapped an arm around Song Xuanhe’s shoulders, beaming. “Let’s go in. You agreed to spend tonight with me. We’re not going home ‘til we’re drunk off our asses.”
“How are you still single after all this time?” Song Xuanhe turned around, avoiding the other’s touch in a casual manner. He asked, “You’ve been living there for half a year now, but we’ve never seen you bring back a girl. I thought that you must have gotten yourself a girlfriend by now.”
“I have to follow my dad every day. Where would I find the time to get a girl?” Zhou Rong’s expression changed slightly as he said, “Now, you, I recently heard that the Xiao Family’s eldest son, who’s been doing well as of late, is your boyfriend?”
“Ex.” Song Xuanhe’s smile flattened.
“You broke up?” Zhou Rong pressed down on the elevator button. He then took a step back so that he and Song Xuanhe were standing shoulder-to-shoulder. “But, I heard that you were serious about him. That it was because of him that you fought with Chao zi. When I had heard this, I thought that you definitely had to be serious about him to have fought with a long-time friend like that.”
“It hadn’t really been a fight.” Song Xuanhe walked into the elevator and spoke in a casual tone. “Lu Chao teamed up with Song Jiani to screw me over. I’ve always known that he liked Song Jiani, but we’d been friends for so long. If it had been any other time, I would have turned a blind eye. But, Xiao Yuanmu was different. Besides, he had almost killed him. I was actually so disappointed in him.”
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Itbe Ebcu qjerfv lwqfgmfqalyis bc tlr kjs lcab atf fifnjabg. Lf atfc mbcalcefv ab kjix lc jr lo cbatlcu tjv tjqqfcfv. Lf rajgfv ja atf mibrlcu vbbg jcv rjlv: “P vlvc’a xcbk atja.”