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translator: Eve
editor: kara

Right up until the fashion show, Song Xuanhe couldn’t toss the words Xiao Ranyun had said a week ago from his head—that “Yuanmu gege” had decided to move RE’s HQ to China.

In the beginning, RE had just been an investment company. After it had discovered the new energy source, it had become an energy company. Now, because it had acquired a large number of other companies, it was now considered a transnational corporation that was involved in many different industries. However, its greatest asset was its new energy source.

Every country had a high demand for this new energy source. That meant that it would be easier for Xiao Yuanmu, compared to other people, to invest in any country of his choosing. The only thing was moving his company’s HQ was different from opening a subsidiary branch. It involved many factors—including each country’s current state and their policies.

Xiao Yuanmu had never made a decision without careful consideration. Currently, regardless of whether it was in terms of its policies or state of affairs, America was the most appropriate country for RE’s future development at present as it would give it the most freedom. That was why his decision to found it in America at the beginning had been such a wise choice.

But now, the decision to move the heart of his company to China was not necessarily a smart idea. This wasn’t to say that China wasn’t good—Song Xuanhe thought that China might even become the fastest developing country in the next ten years, at which point it would be a good idea for RE to invest in it—but, it was definitely not the most suitable place for RE at present.

Even Zhou Nan, who had been wide-eyed in shock, and Xiao Ranyun, whose eyes were filled with grievances, knew this fact well.

There was no way Xiao Yuanmu didn’t know this when Xiao Ranyun, an eighteen-year-old girl, was fully aware of it.

That was why Song Xuanhe had no choice but to realize that he was the main reason for why Xiao Yuanmu was planning to move RE’s HQ to China.

It had been a week since he had found this out. Song Xuanhe had arrived in Y City now. He had considered calling Xiao Yuanmu or picking up the other’s calls countless times…but for some reason, hesitation would arise as soon as he was about to press down on the buttons.

Suddenly, he didn’t know how to face Xiao Yuanmu.

“Xuanhe?” Feng Tong patted Song Xuanhe, who was lost in his thoughts. When the other lifted his head, Feng Tong smiled. “What’s wrong? Nervous?”

Song Xuanhe came back to the present and smiled back. “I was just thinking if there’s anything to alter with regards to today’s designs.”

“The show starts in three hours.” Feng Tong laughed. “Even if you think of anything, there won’t be enough time. I came to call you over to take a look at the stage. The show’s director has already made all the arrangements for the dress rehearsal.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“Sure.” Song Xuanhe nodded. He followed after Feng Tong for a bit before suddenly turning around to dump his cellphone onto the desk behind him. He met with Feng Tong’s inquisitive eyes and explained, “I don’t want my phone to ring and disrupt the dress rehearsal.”

Mfcu Kbcu jirb qeiifv tlr qtbcf bea jcv qijmfv la bc atf vfrx. “Ktjcxr obg gfwlcvlcu wf. Zs qtbcf’r yffc ublcu boo jii wbgclcu. Ciatbeut la’r bc rlifca wbvf, P mjc’a tfiq yea uijcmf ja la ralii. Dea, kf rtbeiv mbcmfcagjaf bc atf vgfrr gftfjgrji lcrafjv.”

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